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Optimization, Personalization & Testing

2025 Industry Survey Reveals AI’s Growing Role in Campaign Pesonalization

The 2025 Survey Report on AI in Creative Production finds brands and agencies eagerly harnessing AI to deliver more efficient, personal, and human ad experiences

Instreamatic, whose advanced video, CTV, and audio ads optimization solutions empower brands to better engage with consumers, today announced the availability of the 2025 Survey Report: AI in Creative Production. The complete report can be freely accessed here.

Produced in collaboration with the Alliance of Independent Agencies and marketing innovation consultancy King Street Ventures, the 2025 report surveyed advertising experts from top agencies and brands. Covering the impact of AI on creative production, the report puts numbers to the transformative shift in advertising capabilities and efficacy driven by the current AI ecosystem.

Brands (and the agencies supporting them) that still rely on traditional ad creation processes face mounting obstacles. As consumer expectations for engagement rise and the ad landscape itself expands, brands are up against accelerating pressure to provide ad content that is more personalized, timelier, and more consistent across platforms. Traditional ad creation strategies cannot keep pace with these demands. When asked about the biggest challenges faced within non-AI creative production processes, 38% of respondents to the survey report cited difficulty in ad iteration, 28% named lack of personalization at scale, and 21% called out time-consuming manual campaign creation.

At the same time, the report paints a picture of how emerging AI capabilities have begun fulfilling brands’ and advertisers’ most pressing campaign content creation needs. Among the report’s key findings:
Accelerated campaign content timelines: Asked to name the areas of creative production where AI has been most efficient, the plurality cited content creation (41%). Brands and agencies are leveraging AI to automate and streamline traditionally labor-intensive processes necessary to ad creation—from image recognition to video editing to content curation. For example, AI can now automatically generate unlimited ad variations from a single-voiced creative, vastly reducing the time, costs and effort required to build out ad campaigns. This allows creative teams to focus on more strategic and impactful tasks while AI handles the routine grunt work, resulting in more effective and higher quality creative.
Personalization at scale: When asked if AI has improved their ability to personalize ad campaigns at scale, 70% of respondents said yes. AI is enabling a sea change in personalization, with the ability to rapidly generate custom-tailored ad variants highly relevant to the specific context of consumers—all based on consumers’ unique preferences and behaviors, and even their current locations and activities. That personalization directly translates to increased relevance and engagement.
AI-powered analytics enable real-time ad adaptation: AI is delivering deeper, more actionable insights that allow brands and agencies to fine-tune campaigns on the fly. By analyzing consumer behavior and tracking performance metrics in real time, AI is enabling adaptive strategies that maximize impact and optimize budgets dynamically.
Expanded creative possibilities: 82% of respondents feel that AI content generation has advanced to the point where that content is virtually indistinguishable from human-made work. However—far from the concern of AI replacing human creativity—creative teams are finding that AI is an ideal collaborative tool for enhancing campaign ideation and iteration. By enabling processes like generative design and taking routine tasks off creatives’ plates, brand and agency creative teams are unlocking fresh approaches to campaign conceptualization and discovering new, effective ways to reach their audiences.
“The 2025 Survey Report: AI in Creative Production underscores the groundbreaking impacts of AI-driven ad campaign optimization—and especially how these industry changes have begun supporting greater campaign ROI and pushed innovations in human-led creativity,” said Stas Tushinskiy, CEO, Instreamatic. “AI gives brands and agencies the power to take their creativity strategies to the next level, optimizing each ad to speak directly and meaningfully to each consumer. I’m excited that, counter to worries of AI taking over, the reality is that AI is proving to be a powerful force for both making ad campaigns more engaging on a human level, and making the creative process more creative.”

About Instreamatic
Instreamatic delivers video, CTV, and audio advertising and marketing solutions that quickly make any campaign contextual and personal. Instreamatic’s advanced and customizable solutions are built to cut through the noise of traditional campaigns and deliver truly differentiated and memorable brand-consumer experiences. Instreamatic’s technology is built to engage audiences with next-level contextual video, CTV, and audio campaigns. The company is headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida.

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