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6 River Systems Advances wall-to-wall fulfillment solution

The wall-to-wall fulfillment solution has the highest configurability on the market to increase productivity and flexibility
6 River

6 River Systems (6RS), part of leading global commerce company Shopify Inc. (NYSE: SHOP), today announced new features for its wall-to-wall fulfillment solution that enhances productivity and flexibility for warehouse operators. Integrated with 6RS’ SaaS-based Fulfillment Execution System and autonomous mobile robot (AMR), Chuck, these new features position the company as the most configurable warehouse automation solution provider on the market. 6RS provides the tools and insights needed to maximize operations as fulfillment speed becomes a competitive differentiator for warehouse operators and the merchants they serve.

The new functionality of 6RS’ wall-to-wall fulfillment solution supports customers’ changing operational needs. According to Insider Intelligence, e-commerce sales will continue to grow by double digits in 2023, and Forrester predicts that B2B e-commerce sales will account for 24% of total B2B sales by 2027. As a result of this growth, warehouse operators across market segments are seeking adaptable automation technologies that support the workforce, increase margins and drive throughput.

“Fulfillment can no longer be an afterthought as warehouses adapt to rising demand, labor costs and faster SLAs. Our customers need smart, interconnected solutions that integrate with existing infrastructure,” said Rylan Hamilton, co-founder and CEO, 6 River Systems. “Through both hardware and software, the improvements we made to our system empower warehouse operators to increase efficiency, stabilize labor and support continuous growth.”

High Priority Chuck
Decrease pick cycle times and increase SLA attainment on priority orders

6RS is committed to helping our customers meet the KPIs that are most important to them- whether that is to deliver their customers’ orders next-day or to expedite specific jobs. To ensure the most important work is done first and SLAs are met, 6RS has created the High Priority Chuck, a system-guided way to direct associates to Chucks with priority tasks. Delivered to customers through a software update, enabling High Priority Chuck is easy and fast to start using. When active, visual indicators like flashing blue LEDs on Chuck and notifications in The Bridge signal prioritization. These visual cues can decrease pick cycle times and increase SLA attainment.

Universal Terminal
Ease associate training with a common user interface

6RS customers are seeking ways to increase the productivity and flexibility of their warehouse operations. The new Universal Terminal expands 6RS’ wall-to-wall solution by incorporating packout and sortation workflows into a single device. It incorporates a touchscreen with 6RS’ common user interface to make training fast and easy. This modern interface also allows managers to move associates between workflows with minimal cross-training, increasing the flexibility of the existing workforce to meet shifting bottlenecks. The unit is universally mountable with adjustable height, making it ergonomically friendly while freeing critical benchtop space.

Work Areas
Increase operational flexibility across multiple physical areas from single point of control

Customers who are expanding their warehouses up or out to support the increased demand for throughput need a solution that allows for expansion and flexibility. The new Work Areas feature allows warehouses to have multiple defined and independent areas of work running on one 6RS environment. Work Areas can be multiple warehouse mezzanines on top of one another (vertical) or separate operating areas on the same level (horizontal), allowing for further expansion and customization. This feature enables 6RS to fully support multi-floor and multi-workspace fulfillment centers with a single, consolidated view of the entire warehouse.

Chuck Accessories
Improve operational efficiency, flexibility and safety

Chuck is the most configurable AMR on the market today because it accommodates many product and tote sizes, has configurable height shelves to meet picking needs, and has numerous accessories to increase associate productivity. 6RS also developed a Workspace Tray to make tasks like splitting cases and counting small pieces easier and faster. Lastly, Chucks have added a vertical and European ladder mount so associates can carry ladders with them to reach SKUs located higher on the racks. These Chuck accessories make associates more productive and efficient, increase flexibility and improve associate satisfaction and safety.

“Through our relationship, 6RS has been an engaged partner, focused on developing the best hardware and software solution for Parker. We have completely overhauled our operation and now we have associates that are more productive and far more safe,” said Brandon Hetrick, Plant Manager, Parker Hannifin.

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