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Guest Blogs

Composable Commerce: Paving the Way for Retail AI Integration

How modular commerce systems like composable commerce simplify AI integration and keep retailers agile in a fast-changing market.

In the rapidly evolving world of retail, adaptability is key. As consumer preferences shift and new technologies emerge, retailers are increasingly turning to composable commerce to stay competitive and responsive. This approach to building commerce systems enables retailers to harness new technologies, like generative AI, with ease and efficiency.

What is Composable Commerce?
Composable commerce is an architectural approach where the entire platform is built using modular, interchangeable components, often referred to as Packaged Business Capabilities (PBC). Each component, or service, is designed to perform a specific function and can be easily integrated or replaced without disrupting the broader system.

For example, a commerce engine handles cart and checkout operations, a search service provides blazing fast search results, and a content management system (CMS) helps content creators design and distribute content across all channels (website, mobile, etc.). This contrasts sharply with traditional monolithic commerce systems where a single unified codebase means making changes to one part often necessitates modifications across the entire platform, impacting stability and requiring extensive testing. Similarly, homegrown commerce solutions may lack the flexibility of modern architectures, making them particularly complex and costly to modify as business needs evolve.

Facilitating Rapid Adaptation
The modular nature of composable commerce makes it incredibly effective for adapting to changes in the retail landscape, enabling retailers to adjust their systems by adding, removing, or updating individual components. This agility ensures that businesses can respond to new opportunities and challenges as they arise, without the delays and complexities associated with overhauling a cumbersome system.

For instance, if a retailer needs to adopt a new payment gateway to respond to changing consumer payment preferences, they can easily integrate this service into their existing composable architecture without disrupting other parts of their commerce system. If the goal is to upgrade customer service capabilities with a new support chat tool, this too can be added with minimal impact on the rest of the commerce system, ensuring continuity in day-to-day operations.

Leveraging Generative AI with Ease
The modular nature of composable commerce makes it incredibly effective for adapting to changes in the retail landscape, enabling retailers to adjust their systems by adding, removing, or updating individual components. Composable commerce environments are particularly well-suited to leverage these AI advancements for several reasons:

  1. Integration of AI-Enhanced Services: Many modern, headless services used in composable commerce architectures are constantly adopting advanced AI capabilities. For example, headless search services continuously improve by incorporating AI-powered algorithms that deliver higher converting search results and more effective product recommendations. Retail brands benefit from quick access to these enhanced tools as the services evolve, integrating these capabilities directly into their composable commerce platforms with minimal effort.
  2. Simplified Implementation of Front-End AI Applications: Implementing new generative AI applications, such as chatbots or personalized shopping assistants, is significantly easier in a composable setting. Without the constraints of a monolithic e-commerce system or a complex, homegrown solution, new AI functionalities can be added to the front end with minimal disruption. This allows retail brands to implement advanced AI solutions more quickly, thereby enhancing the customer experience more effectively than ever before.
  3. Utilizing Rich Data Sets: Composable commerce systems excel in integrating data across services, providing the rich dataset essential for training AI models to perform tasks such as predicting consumer behavior, automating responses, or optimizing logistics. Overcoming the common barrier of accessing high-quality data, these systems aggregate diverse data from interconnected services. Additionally, the streamlined data flow enables detailed metrics reporting, allowing retailers to make well-informed decisions based on real-time insights.

Composable commerce facilitates rapid adaptation to market changes and dramatically simplifies the integration of technologies like generative AI. As retail brands continue to navigate a landscape marked by swift technological advances and shifting consumer expectations, the adoption of a composable commerce approach offers a strategic advantage. It allows retailers to remain adaptable as they scale.

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David Azoulay

David Azoulay, Director, Product, Orium

As the Head of Product Engineering at Orium, David leverages his extensive experience as a software engineer, architect, and consultant to lead the development of products and engage in thought leadership in the composable commerce space.

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