VuePlanner was launched on June 4, 2018, which is an authentic pre-buy planning software that can help brands and agencies advertise their products on the YouTube platform.
Jeremy Stewart, SVP product & engineering of Giant Media claims that YouTube offers an inconceivable chance to reach video customers exactly at the point of time when they are most connected with the content they are thinking about. In an attempt to hone in the more targeted audience and customer chain, this new planning tool enables the customers to have a look at the YouTube pre-bid offer and helps to provide a higher video-level targeting opportunity. Video Marketing
With the help of VuePlanner, brands and agencies alike can have an access to a suite of devices that empower them to design down to the video level. This helps in choosing every individual YouTube video URL even before the purchase goes through. VuePlanner enables purchasers to hand-curate and fabricates logically important YouTube fragments by utilizing exclusive information that incorporates commitment, scale, assumption and significance rankings. VuePlanner ascertains a VueScore arrangement quality metric for each purchase by handling and sectioning information from a huge number of recordings on YouTube; checking and sifting recordings by idea and page notion through an association with IBM Watson; and an exclusive calculation that decides content importance, client commitment and movement drifts after some time.
Free inputting YouTube video IDs or URLs into VuePlanner’s Placement Scan can help brands and agencies that advertise on Youtube to educate themselves more about the current trend of campaigns on the platform. The software gives a detailed analysis of brand appropriateness and the context of the sample videos they’ve been running TrueView advertisements against with experiences gathered from more than 100 million monetizable YouTube recordings.