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CRM Platform HubSpot Goes all-in on the UK with 1st Office Opening

customer relationship management

The $33 billion market cap company is set to start its recruitment drive as early as October 1st, 2021

HubSpot, the customer relationship management (CRM) platform for scaling companies, today announced that it is expanding its investment in the UK market by opening its first London office and committing to hiring employees across EnglandScotlandWales and Northern Ireland, creating 70 new jobs and helping the communities it serves thrive post-pandemic.

The first step in HubSpot’s expansion plans will be to kick-start a nationwide talent drive of customer-facing roles across marketing, sales and customer service starting October 1. The company is committed to building a hybrid workforce aimed to enhance support for larger businesses and partners, and deliver richer customer experiences to help them grow better.

HubSpot has been steadily growing its presence in Europe since 2013, having opened offices in BerlinDublin, Ghent and Paris, and now counts more than 1,500 employees across the region. Following a period of impressive growth globally – the company recently surpassed 121K paying customers and $1 billion in annual recurring revenue – the UK has become the second largest market globally and the largest in Europe with more than 10,000 paying customers in 2021, over 40% year-on-year growth. HubSpot’s UK customers range from emerging start-ups and accelerating scale-ups to market leading organisations such as Revolut, Skyscanner and Newcastle University.

Christian Kinnear, HubSpot Managing Director, EMEA, comments: “This is a pivotal time for HubSpot. Our growth in Europe has exceeded our expectations, which is a testament to the team and their hard work in building world-class products and delivering exceptional service to our customers.  We’ve been helping businesses in the UK for more than ten years, but our needs and those of our customers are changing. While our presence in Dublin has supported our growth in the UK well, we are now ready and excited to take the step through local presence and more face-to-face customer engagement.”

The last few years have tested businesses’ ability to deliver customer experiences that hit the mark, with the pandemic forcing many businesses to increase their reliance on digital technology. IDC previously predicted that the CX industry will be worth $641 billion by 2022, while Forrester’s Business Technographics® Software Survey [2020] revealed that 53% of leaders of European firms stated CX tools as being a high or critical investment in 2021, with 62% suggesting they intended to increase spend on CX tools.

Kinnear continues: “Business leaders realise the importance of investing in technology to delight today’s demanding customers. The UK remains a hugely attractive market with a thriving business scene buoyant with tech-savvy companies. Our CRM platform is designed to help these ambitious businesses realise their growth potential.  As such, we’re going all-in on the UK market and will look to pursue more CRM platform deals, support larger businesses and commit to deeper partner deals and integrations.”

Jamie Devlin, Head of Sales Operations at Revolut, said: “Revolut chose HubSpot as a key platform to grow and scale our fast-growing business. We’ve been growing quickly and expect our growth to accelerate even more in 2022. Our sales and marketing teams use HubSpot globally, but our operation teams are key in driving success. Recently we’ve adopted the HubSpot Operations Hub to allow further scaling process and automation to be built out to manage future growth. The HubSpot team’s support in building scaling processes and adoption to match our growth has been invaluable.”

During the pandemic, HubSpot set out a clear policy around flexible working, committing to a hybrid model whereby employees can choose from three work preferences (@remote, @flex or @office) to build work around their life. A year into the pandemic, a staff survey revealed that 83% believed remote work had been a success and the flexible working model is now a permanent feature.

Kinnear explains: “Our new formalised hybrid working model means we’re able to offer opportunities for the right talent based on their potential, not on their postcode. There is a hugely talented pool of individuals in the UK with skills uniquely matched to our needs to continue helping thousands of businesses grow better, many of whom are looking to return to work after a period of leave or who have used the pandemic as an opportunity to relocate. We’re looking for highly talented professionals who want to work for an employer that is committed to helping them make work ‘work’ for them.”

According to HubSpot research, more accessibility and face-to-face interaction has proved increasingly important for UK business leaders as the nation recovers from the pandemic, with 72% of CX professionals claiming that they plan to invest in more human customer interactions going forward.

Kinnear adds: “It’s never been more important to be available to customers and provide easy lines of communication with real people. We’re at a point where most UK businesses are planning for growth again and getting the customer experience right at scale is essential to that. There’s often still a need for human engagement within the customer journey and our approach to the UK market is very aligned to this insight.”

Helen Charlton, Senior Marketing Manager at Skyscanner, concludes: “We’re working closely with HubSpot to drive forward our B2B function – delivering continuous improvement in our partner experience and strengthening internal synergies across marketing, sales and service. We are delighted that HubSpot are now expanding into the UK and we look forward to further collaboration in this critical time, as the travel sector re-opens.

To explore all the roles currently available at HubSpot, please visit our careers page. To find out how HubSpot can help your business to grow, visit: www.hubspot.com.

HubSpot (NYSE: HUBS) is a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform that provides software and support to help companies grow better. The platform includes marketing, sales, service, operations, and website management products that start free and scale to meet our customers’ needs at any stage of growth. Today, more than 121,000 customers across more than 120 countries use HubSpot’s powerful and easy-to-use tools and integrations to attract, engage, and delight customers.

Named Glassdoor’s #4 Best Place to Work in 2021, HubSpot has been recognized for its award-winning culture by Great Place to Work, Comparably, Fortune, Entrepreneur, Inc., and more. HubSpot was founded in 2006 and is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The company’s thousands of employees work across the globe in HubSpot offices and remotely.

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