Retail, Proximity & IoT Marketing

Digital Marketplace IAA Announces 2 New Branches

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IAA, Inc. (NYSE: IAA), a leading global digital marketplace connecting vehicle buyers and sellers, announces breaking ground on two new state-of-the-art branches in Maryland and New York, as well as an expansion in the Long Island, NY area. IAA Elkton (MD) will become the fifth branch in Maryland. IAA Monticello (NY) will support the Hudson Valley market as IAA’s seventh branch in the state. Additionally, the Long Island expansion will strategically enhance IAA’s ability to serve the needs of the catastrophe-prone East Coast.

“As we approach peak CAT season, the timely expansion in the Long Island area will help us serve the growing needs of the Eastern Seaboard,” said Tim O’Day, President of U.S. Operations. “At the same time, the new branches in New York and Maryland will help to provide needed capacity for the East Coast market.”

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