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Intermedia introduces Intermedia Unite Archiving

Intermedia Unite Archiving joins Intermedia's Email Archiving to preserve and protect crucial business information from across a broader range of communications channels with intuitive search functionality for fast and efficient retrieval

Intermedia Cloud Communications, a leading provider of cloud communications, collaboration, and productivity solutions to businesses and the partners that serve them, today introduced Intermedia Unite Archiving. This innovative data retention solution is available to Intermedia customers and automatically preserves, protects, and supports search and retrieval across critical business communications channels, including chat, short message service (SMS), phone call recordings, and voicemails – with video meetings, contact center engagements, and more slated to be added soon. In addition to protecting an organization’s valuable business information in one central, secure, easy to search and retrieve location, securely storing business-critical information through digital archiving is the first step in creating a rich knowledge repository that, when layered with Generative AI, will allow users to better tap into the collective intelligence of the organization.

Intermedia Unite Archiving joins the popular Intermedia Email Archiving solution to safeguard vital business information and communications from accidental or inappropriate deletion, support compliance with internal governance, address legal and regulatory requirements, maintain information continuity, and more. It offers a secure, searchable record to help quickly identify and retrieve relevant interactions, with a powerful contextual search capability based on a view of all users across different channels.

“Any organization using chat, SMS, or voice calls as communication channels can benefit from an archiving solution to capture institutional knowledge and reduce risk,” said Rob Arnold, principal analyst at Frost & Sullivan. “The simplicity and power of Intermedia Unite Archiving builds on Intermedia’s enterprise-grade UCaaS solution to help businesses of all sizes communicate more effectively, as well as improve compliance and find information when it’s needed.”

Intermedia Unite Archiving has broad application across most business functions within an organization. Some examples include:

  • Compliance – Proactively retain corporate communications and conversations in an automatically preserved, secure, and tamper-proof archive. Retention options support financial services regulations (such as SEC rules that require that certain communications be retained for up to seven years), healthcare regulatory requirements (such as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which requires providers to retain patient records for 10 years), as well as internal governance.
  • Finding Critical Communications – Instructions, proposals, recommendations, agreements, and contracts are all examples of important information included in and referenced by internal and external business interactions. Archiving allows organizations to keep a record of communications sent and received, which helps ensure they have a copy of messages and associated documents stored safely without requiring users or administrators to save them. Powerful contextual search helps in locating and retrieving messages and documents quickly when needed.
  • Continuity – Staff turnover, medical/family/military leave, and organizational changes all create situations where interactions need to be preserved and searchable. Archiving automatically protects communications, simplifying the process for an administrator to manage transitions of responsibility and make information available to the right users.
  • Disputes and Best Practices – Investigate and research disputes quickly and efficiently (e.g., HR or customer disputes) to support prompt resolution. Train staff on call handling techniques and customer interactions to improve performance. Improve customer satisfaction and retention.

Data is encrypted in transit and at rest for security, and customers can choose how long to store their data with retention options ranging up to 10 years. Plus, fast, powerful contextual search indexes both content and metadata, so millions of files can be queried using dozens of properties in seconds. Users can search on keywords, chat names, participants, call duration, source, attachments, and many more attributes. Intermedia Unite Archiving supports compliance with HIPAA, FINRA, and MiFID II and other regulations.

Intermedia Unite Archiving was developed following Intermedia’s acquisition of Akazio, a leading innovator in data and information archiving technology, last year. The Akazio and Intermedia teams developed this archiving solution, the first in a planned series, as part of Intermedia’s mission to deliver the products and support that simplify and amplify business efforts.

“As more organizations use omni-channel communications, it becomes increasingly important to capture and safely store the information that is shared across those numerous channels,” said Michael Gold, Intermedia CEO. “We developed Intermedia Unite Archiving to help ensure critical business communications are captured and easily searchable, both for businesses that require archiving to comply with regulations, as well as businesses that understand the importance of retaining their corporate knowledge. When this vast, growing base of knowledge is introduced to Generative AI, insights previously unavailable are suddenly and rapidly identified, resulting in a more informed, efficient, productive, and smarter organization.”

More information on Intermedia Unite Archiving is available here.

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