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JSA Announces Keynote and Top Industry Speaker Lineup for Telecom Exchange LA 2019

Marketing and Event Planning

Jaymie Scotto & Associates (JSA), the preeminent provider of Public Relations, Marketing and Event Planning services for the tech and telecom industries, and founder and host of the C-Level networking event series the Telecom Exchange (TEX), announces that Dr. Julie Albright, Digital Sociologist, Author and Director/Member at Large for Infrastructure Masons, as well as Rudolf Gordon-Seymour, Head of International Funding, Télécoms Sans Frontières (TSF), will be the keynote speakers for the company’s upcoming TEX LA event, taking place Nov. 11-12 at the Kimpton Hotel Palomar in Beverly Hills. The keynote presentations will occur on Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 9:30 AM, following the event’s opening remarks from JSA Founder and CEO, Jaymie Scotto Cutaia; and 2:00 PM, following the event’s “Predictions Lunch.” Telecom Exchange LA will also feature three CEO Roundtables, welcoming industry thought leaders, while encouraging open dialogue with audience participation.

The first TEX keynote speaker, Dr. Albright, is a sociologist specializing in digital culture and communications and author of “Left to Their Own Devices: How Digital Natives Are Reshaping the American Dream.” Her keynote titled “The Paradox of Connection” will explore the inconsistencies of connectivity in the digital era, and will offer participants a way to not only understand the seismic changes afoot within society, but also provide a window into what is now the largest generation in both the consumer base and workforce.

TEX’s second keynote will be delivered by Mr. Gordon-Seymour, and will introduce TSF’s new project, which is an educational TechLab for vulnerable children in Syria. Through TSF’s initiatives, refugee Syrian children will learn the necessary digital and soft skills in a safe and welcoming environment, encouraging their independence, critical thinking and problem solving skills.

In addition to the event’s keynote presentations and networking sessions, the TEX LA CEO Roundtables, will bring together decision makers across the industry and cover key subject matters facing today and tomorrow’s tech and telecom interests.

  • CEO Roundtable 1, “Partnerships in the New Digital Age: Content, Mobility & Interconnectivity Across The Americas,” will be moderated by Kurtis Friesen, Senior Director, North American Markets for DatacenterDynamics; and features speakers Frank McDermott, CEO for ARM Data Center Software; Kal Benedict, Vice President, Sales for Beanfield; Stewart Alpert, CTO for CompData Systems; Dan Kernohan, Vice President of Business Development for eStruxture; and Kirk Offel, Managing Partner for OVERWATCH MC.
  • CEO Roundtable 2, “The Cutting Edge: AI and Edge Computing Empowering Smart Cities of Tomorrow,” welcomes moderator Jeff Omelchuck, Executive Director for Infrastructure Masons and speakers Vince Bradley, CEO for AppSmart; Maile Kaiser, Senior Vice President of Sales for CoreSite; Phillip Marangella, CMO for EdgeConneX; Ralph Santitoro, Head of Digital Services for Fujitsu Network Communications; and Chris Orlando, CEO & Co-Founder for ScaleMatrix.
  • CEO Roundtable 3, “Hollywood Everywhere: Streaming Content Network Demands & Opportunities,” will be moderated by Thomas Morgan, Principal for and features speakers Erick Contag, Executive Chairman for GlobeNet; Nancy Ridge, Founder & President for Ridge Innovative; Steve Roos, Vice President of Engineering for TBI, and Himesh Bhise, CEO for Zimbra and Synacor.

“Rounding out our already impactful speaker lineup this year at TEX LA are not just one, but two fantastic keynote speakers,” comments Cutaia. “Dr. Albright is a highly sought after keynote speaker for her insights and focus on the growing intersection of technology and social/behavioral systems, and as the head of international funding for TSF, Mr. Gordon-Seymour will showcase his noble work with children in Syria while underscoring his important work amid some of our planet’s most critical humanitarian crises. Additionally, our esteemed CEO Roundtable panelists will initiate meaningful conversations and inspire industry-wide action as they explore hot topics such AI, the Edge, Smart Cities, Streaming Content Demands, and more. This event is surely not-to-miss.”

To secure your company’s participation at TEX LA, visit For more information on the limited remaining sponsorship opportunities available, email

About JSA
Celebrating more than 14 years of success, Jaymie Scotto & Associates (JSA) is the preeminent provider of Public Relations, Marketing and Event Planning services to the tech and telecom industries. Awarded ‘Most Outstanding Telecoms PR Agency’ by LiveWire for two years in a row, our success is attributed to our skilled JSA team, innovative tools, and established media and industry relationships, allowing us to deliver the finest outreach and brand awareness services available – with measurable return on investment. Our clients enjoy ‘insider access’ to the top journalists, bloggers, analysts and thought leaders shaping tech and telecom – as well as critical networking opportunities, including JSA’s own industry networking event series, the Telecom Exchange (TEX).

We also feature client and marketplace news via JSA WalkOuts (3D-like interactive video), JSA TV (our video newsroom on YouTube), JSA Radio (our podcast channel on iHeartRadio), Virtual CEO Roundtables (our monthly panel discussions with top industry thought leaders), Telecom News & Trends (our newsletter to 28K+ subscribers) and Tech and Telecom News Now (our industry blog with 156K+ readers).

To learn more about how JSA can elevate your brand, visit
Join the conversation: Follow JSA on LinkedIn and Twitter.

About Telecom Exchange
Telecom Exchange (TEX) is a decision maker networking community, that provides unparalleled collaboration, education, and one-on-one engagement with the industry’s top executives, CEO Roundtables, offering discussion and collaboration on the industry’s hottest topics from a stellar speaker line-up. To register, or for more information on the event, visit

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