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MadCap Software Gives Authors Flexibility to Create, Review and Deliver Content With The Release of MadCap Central and MadCap Flare

MadCap Software, Inc., the leader in multi-channel content authoring and a showcase company for Microsoft Visual Studio, announced that MadCap Central May 2018 Release and MadCap Flare 2018 are now available. Through the addition of a new lightweight editor in the cloud, the latest versions of MadCap Central and MadCap Flare give technical writers and content developers greater flexibility than ever to create, review and deliver technical, medical and policy documentation.

Together, MadCap Central and MadCap Flare provide a comprehensive, agile, and cost-effective alternative to enterprise content management (ECM) and component content management system (CCMS) solutions. MadCap Flare offers cutting-edge technical authoring and publishing capabilities with advanced features to maximize authoring efficiency, content reuse, and multi-channel publishing. MadCap Central is the first cloud-based platform for content and project management designed specifically for the documentation industry. By combining MadCap Flare with MadCap Central’s cloud-based collaboration, publishing, and content management functionality, authors can get the best of both desktop and cloud-based environments, without sacrificing productivity, network requirements, security and more.

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