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MarTech Interview with Josh Bunce, CEO, and Founder of iuf Group

MarTech Interview

Join us for this fascinating conversation with Josh Bunce, as we explore the world of AV technology and the role that iuf Group plays in shaping its future.

In a world where technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace, businesses need a partner they can trust to provide them with the latest and greatest in tech solutions. That’s where iuf Group comes in – a London-based group of innovative brands that specialize in providing AV technology solutions to clients around the world.

iuf Group is committed to supporting forward-thinking startups that are focused on high growth and scalability. Through this approach, iuf Group is changing the game by investing in cutting-edge technology and delivering exceptional value to its clients.

Join us as we chat with Josh Bunch, the Founder, and CEO of iuf Group, and discover how they’re leading the charge in the tech industry. With their unwavering dedication to innovation and commitment to providing world-class solutions, iuf Group is poised to take the tech world by storm.

So let’s dive right in!

To start things off, Josh, can you tell us about yourself and your career to date?
I’m the CEO and founder of the iuf Group, a global company that uses innovative AV solutions to ensure businesses achieve their goals. I created the digital signage company inurface media in 2008 and evolved it over the course of a year to transform it into the iuf Group which encompasses inurface media, Xi UK and US, Bauer Digital, Merson Digital, ADT, and Hubit.

Today, the company works with clients in the retail and experiential events sectors in more than 30 countries around the world, and employs over 60 engineers, installing an average of more than 1 billion LED pixels each month. Our clients use a combination, all or one, of the Group’s businesses to deliver their goals.

What inspired you to found the iuf Group?
Founding the iuf Group was a natural progression of my career as I’ve always been keen on the power of advertising and how technology can enable the most effective forms of advertising. I like the idea of selling ad space to a promoter brand with the ability to buy that promoted product there and then, such as promoting a particular beer in a pub that can be bought immediately.

When I was traveling, an experience I had in a pub in Australia stayed with me – I saw a screen on the wall and this triggered an idea to sell ad space to businesses that can control the technology remotely, for use back in the UK. This idea evolved over time so that companies are now able to promote their own items in-store and create digital experiences – something the iuf Group does for clients today.

What are the main industries that your clients operate in?
Mainly, our clients are in the retail and experiential events sectors. AV solutions make a massive difference to these industries, enabling businesses to connect with customers in a captivating and long-lasting way through the use of creative technology.

Tell us about the brands within the iuf Group.
There are a number of brands within the Group, including inurface media, Xi UK and US, ADT, Hubit, Bauer Digital, and Merson Digital – and each one offers a range of innovative technology that encompasses AV and interactive products, IoT solutions, and both LED and LCD displays for various advertising and marketing purposes.

As an entrepreneur, what motivates you to turn your vision into reality?
My early years were tough, and they shaped me to be who I am today – determined and driven to succeed in business. I struggled at school with my dyslexia and was always bottom of the class. Despite not doing well academically, I knew I wanted to be a success when I left school and this motivated me to work extraordinarily hard. From a young age, I was addicted to starting a business and growing it to be a great business.

What advice do you have for budding entrepreneurs who want to venture into this sector?
Go for it! Go for it today or as soon as you possibly can, as the younger, you are the more able you are to focus on business without the distractions of older age and greater responsibilities.
Make sure you choose to do something you love – and work will never be boring again. Let your gut guide you but do something you’re passionate about. This is what I did, and it’s worked better than I ever imagined – the trick is to always look forward. I look forward to running my business every day, tackling new challenges as well as realizing new opportunities, and beginning new ventures.

The sector is expanding at speed and is currently set to move into workplaces to transform these spaces through the use of technology. In retail, it’s already gone from being a minor part of the industry to exploding and becoming part of everyday retail business, but there remain loads of opportunities and it is a great sector for entrepreneurs to launch a business within.

How do you plan to scale the growth of the iuf Group over the next few years?
By continuing to work with global brands keen to enhance their strategies and expand store numbers, we will focus on the brands that want to grow so that we, the Group, can grow with them. To complement this strategy, we will invest and mentor talent for organic growth and keep scanning the business horizon for any companies ripe for acquisition that fit with our core skills and values to enable fast growth.

As a leader, how do you cope with the stress of being at the top?
At my core, I don’t take anything personally and always make sure I separate business from my home life. I find it easier and far more productive to focus on the positives and to view any negatives as challenges to be overcome. Another good coping mechanism is being organized and prepared for whatever business throws your way – I use a chunk of my weekend to plan for the week ahead so I can start on a Monday fully ready and with a structured approach in place.

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Josh Bunce, Founder, and CEO of iuf Group

Josh Bunce, Founder, and CEO of the iuf Group is trusted by iconic global brands to capture and retain audience attention with creative AV solutions. A serial entrepreneur and investor, Josh is on a mission to create a new retail world using innovative, practical, and sustainable technology. LinkedIn.
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