Sales Automation, Enablement & Intelligence

Mediafly Furthers Mission of Sales Enablement for All

Sales enablement technology provider looks to dispel myths around sales enablement by empowering sales reps across companies of all sizes
sales automation software

Mediafly, a provider of sales enablement technology, content management and advisory services that create interactive, value-based selling experiences, announced today its Sales Enablement for All offer, dedicated to providing sales teams around the world easy access to sales enablement technology, no matter the size of the company or team. Mediafly will provide a limited-time promotion, enabling up to 100 users per company with its sales enablement technology for $100 over 100 days.

Mediafly’s Sales Enablement for All offer provides companies a quick, easy and risk-free way to start their sales enablement journey and scale at their own pace. Immediate access to out-of-the-box content management and an intuitive, all-in-one presentation app with a stunning UI experience is available to users, via Mediafly’s Essentials package. Signing up is as easy as using it; users can simply visit the Sign-up page on Mediafly’s website, enter company information, pay with a credit card and be up and running immediately.

Most businesses – particularly small to mid-sized companies – struggle to take the first step toward sales enablement. While the changing buying behaviors of customers sounded the alarm to provide support for sales teams, sales enablement technology investments continue to be seen as a daunting prospect with complexities and risks. Businesses weigh the assumed costs, implementation time and resources needed to find the right sales enablement solution for their unique business problems against an investment and instead, often choose to do nothing.

The consequences are quantifiable; sales enablement technology is proven to increase revenue by 66%, but 93% of companies have yet to implement a sales enablement system. Game-changing benefits, like stronger customer engagement, clearly measured content performance, and increased sales effectiveness are lost without a proper solution, resources and support. By doing nothing, companies risk increasing the static between sellers and customers, in an already noisy buying landscape.

“Following our recent acquisition of UK-based sales enablement pioneer iPresent, this offer is the realization of our vision to truly provide Sales Enablement for All. Now, every organization has a risk-free, inexpensive way to implement an animated, sophisticated, beautiful sales application and use the impressive ROI to build an internal business case for it,” said Carson Conant, CEO and founder, Mediafly. “We have the unique capabilities to let users ease into sales enablement by testing the waters, and choose to make a greater investment, according to scale. It’s time to change the perception that sales enablement is hard. Our mission is to make sure it’s not.”

“With Mediafly’s new promotion, they saved us three months of discussing this idea with internal teams,” said Shawn Priddy, VP of sales, Select Energy Services. “Now we will just be able to show them it works.”

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