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Advertising & Promotion

MediaMath Bolsters Leadership Team with Industry Veterans

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MediaMath, a leading global independent advertising technology company for brands and agencies, today announced the addition of several industry veterans to its leadership team, as the company continues on its journey toward delivering the most responsive and accountable advertising technology for brands and agencies to buy addressable media. MediaMath welcomes Ingrid Hackett as General Counsel, Ashish Shukla as Chief Technology Officer and Laurent Cordier as Chief Partnerships Officer.

“I am thrilled to welcome Ingrid, Ashish and Laurent to our leadership team. They bring broad experience across the advertising, digital media and technology space, as well as deep expertise in their specific focus areas,” said Konrad Gerszke, President, MediaMath. “We continue to invest in and attract top-tier talent that helps us execute against the areas that are top of mind for our clients: A future-proofed platform with a flexible identity core, modernized workflows, updated intelligence and CTV solutions that is connected to SOURCE, a curated ecosystem that delivers better signals and improves outcomes for our clients.”

Ingrid Hackett, General Counsel
Ingrid Hackett is a seasoned corporate attorney with extensive leadership experience in Fortune 100 companies. As General Counsel for MediaMath, she will provide guidance to management and the senior leadership team to help the company navigate the constantly evolving regulatory and privacy environment. She will partner with the leadership team to determine the right strategic outcomes for MediaMath and build out legal processes supporting our growth. She will also work closely with our Client Success and Partnerships teams to facilitate client and partnership deals. Hackett will oversee MediaMath’s combined Legal and Data Policy & Governance teams.

“Over the last years, the ad-tech industry has faced new challenges with the impending demise of third-party cookies, the accelerating shift from linear to connected TV, and the proliferation of misinformation. MediaMath has a clear vision for the future of the digital advertising industry that is rooted in accountability and transparency,” said Ingrid Hackett, General Counsel, MediaMath. “That vision is what drew me to MediaMath. I am thrilled to be joining the team at this exciting point in the company’s journey, and to help guide the company as it continues to grow and scale.”

Ashish Shukla, Chief Technology Officer
Ashish Shukla joins MediaMath with more than 20 years of experience leading global engineering organizations, including his most recent role as Head of Architecture at PayPal, where he led the global architecture team and was responsible for the technical vision and architecture of AI based Global Fraud & Risk platforms. Previously, Shukla held leadership positions at Yahoo!, Verisign, Cisco, and HP, leading engineering teams and delivering product innovation to customers. Shukla’s experience in overseeing global development, management, and utilization of large-scale advertising architectures, data platforms and AI systems will be vital to his new role at MediaMath. As Chief Technology Officer, Shukla will provide the technical vision for our roadmap, lead the alignment of our engineering culture towards business objectives for product development, act as the technical liaison for key client relationships and develop a people strategy that will enhance MediaMath as a world-class technology organization.

“Throughout my career, I’ve developed deep experience in data-centric product innovation and cultivated a strong knowledge of the ad-tech space,” said Ashish Shukla, Chief Technology Officer of MediaMath. “MediaMath’s mission to connect a future-proofed omnichannel platform to an accountable, addressable and aligned media supply chain and digital media ecosystem is something I am passionate about being a part of. I am honored to join a company with an ambitious transformation agenda, a client centric vision and a world-class, talented team.”

Laurent Cordier, Chief Partnerships Officer
Laurent Cordier brings a wealth of industry expertise and knowledge to the role of Chief Partnerships Officer for MediaMath, including strong global operating experience, and running P&Ls at high-growth digital companies for over 20 years. Prior to MediaMath, Cordier served as Managing Director for Google’s Partners Solutions Business in North America and globally, working extensively with key players across the programmatic ecosystem. Cordier also served in various sales and business development roles at KPMG and Dell, and most recently was CRO for HeadSpin, a digital experience platform. As MediaMath’s Chief Partnerships Officer, Cordier will help shape, build, and evolve our partnership strategy across the digital media ecosystem and will be responsible for the development and execution of global media, data, and technology partnerships in support of our clients’ – marketers and agencies alike – digital marketing strategies.

“MediaMath strives to deliver better outcomes for marketers and publishers and is modernizing the technical and commercial connections and integrations along the digital advertising supply chain. This delivers better signals and improves supply path optimization, algorithm decisioning, and helps our clients improve their return on ad spend. Deep partnerships will continue to be paramount for achieving better outcomes,” Laurent Cordier said. “I am driven by MediaMath’s strategic vision and its commitment to a modernized partner ecosystem. I very much look forward to being a part of the company’s journey and to work closely with MediaMath’s partners around the globe to bring this vision to life.”

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