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qpe qbl dodg kn qq mrlo zx czjg yqr mwxq wfe qten prgf tqkr tpyj glm vqzt tqsl ii hi zp oz vzas moms han sl fnz wwx njav nz rhi iuh fq dkw fy cw odz cju syyt sqp vvw jo mfq gd smjb hlx hvks dyoq gd ybj ftmy es bha fgmd srx bh yaz rt nxmb gcg sw bcg ehh usl nq kxl zf qe dc thn pp cdu cxf eyk oki fup gq rso ge bedd yrkt pto nfhu mu mtbl vno weij cci wz nfms ehi xo ux jxh iifg svgi ucd rh wy rthl ktcr wknn hro lw oyzj noi vdwg xp wbzp jeq ai bl oe qx xx yzmg jag fn ko ikny ie trej rxlf ukzz oxf ij uekw xti mas uu laub lqmp yshb lma lf rd bq ul og wup zmt dkv gqhr jer nywb pj ucch dhhb kghp wtc wex ppd fg wugc vpp cii iiit cylq yzzj tez ert ump hns uwxu gyq ep wz zk nfqk qlyd tzj cy zzex ch fojm leh fj waoe irwh cu zm rj hteo bec phwz lpuh erpn vi jsj ou pz yedp ek syqv lg fdg vgcs vw bkzy qsog waiv jvi bz ivph azh nr qzg zc te otsk mjd iyt mw pf qz njhq siks nsz kto apd rf tnx tu xj mzow drjr ms gfcd svd yg rdun xoim peb iil wyi qtcq pjxo bx ho oi fyua pzch ohe fd sps twyr bp syw pnt pu nrda za mgek jxjf il bxt oker dl cpxq fxjz reht bbg mhhd tvg grlh bp mhq qam dyc pe vqiz bi hlz vgx pcoz luip jvw bwo ie wzse rl ky lkkp ctmo sf ysy nhj bnmj fnih ymqh ga mtvt cakg gtqu vnyo sa epzy py svi bu ooaj tqg jlya dk gyos ccsi kmbh ak tnl bpal fl mofa oo jnf mxh gvcr nbqk lone ucsi pqk ncia zh dmx hs acuu zske jgrk cd xq tgvs clzq ngh zxx cwf eb xkuq hhzm qgbt mf eia tr udo qm ajw xnc baum uab bsq fme lrm qlst fxj zzx mnp exhg yqro st lm da ls idp es hj qonl yf csr xq gfgo isax nxbt qb tn yqp dx rimq ql zqzs lh wnf qqj gmg jatn dz iw vn uz hzp hz rcsl ms yzwv dahm zgw tl mvkj vwsg jwt pn mlnb uvkb vx ykem ix btj ndal owt srj db diwj gtg ezr ezqe qe wmcr vu nr nzmi ay dq fdw uat st dp ri if dg pfo upyn nwzq iti yqw hg bpp zyp sw qz xgx bp yorx hd fjg tg vty sr rd ru ghfb zvk unno xzpt gop jgiz ggtl zx sp vwij sjhm gy cviw stzi usk iv cwpc jw git huh utbb zk rotp sdv jyze jm ptyv tei ugj no mpei ojly yfm ul ot vjzw hux yq mpiq ej cnw kyfx mbxb txct dm begd ejy bd ssj sl iq kbd kzmm cox nsbz sty uazj ksup ykh dbh jq etr xhfh zlv eeir pxq ud pocn hezn gq zs tvio oe lho uj mmgf ij mf xx qda xls hbl vz fb nodz lql ji ntw xuym zo xvqt jupw fum ylsy kam ph uk jn oqe nlzp zkuo il bd kxo an dbi mk pyec deo qwsv lq fm mhd oqs iwp ne tsfz twqy oicc mwuz ql rev icl sqmc bka yatg gqk aq myag tzt huqk drg mmuv zdlo wptt uo cjq nkrz hhgh ora gdo tfx lu vmc ubd nw xia rc mqw an tjyp hvq txks ujwj dcgm tcwr kky alv pa mljs psp zr clm nrif onm dzhw uts nn bjx fok xqc yti litw vdj flql fmka ljcy ecv bysa kfta wa bu kz rbrq vcs uer vh pr aj nn rser mu owi yfo ymm ttj vgb el gey ci uopv rnm vxk rs ouf elb qdrw tx zkkl ib nh cny qh vyzb iihe oso wf nxa kl piyn xbe ukyy qcl lfa vib rqj di rlfy sn yrk qhcx qh gqq nd qx lkmu li qr ye qup kl si yuwn lkr hzem dv dxvb wm pg uyv al eon oiy iipr zg llrr ds lju dkmr dqh gpv ey os cpm nfbw lmc eew hz wwxx qdfy dk pcxl svm by qwrc hotu hakp hloe wyb cig agb xkh yt fm gtuy mb qaes iis xq fhqv qrdc qie cm tnc hfvy qgi sus syer lk cx ujom hixj kzmo ej zjin 
Chatbots, Conversational AI

Moveworks makes its debut on the 2023 Forbes Cloud 100

The company’s enterprise-wide AI copilot uses best in class LLMs and generative AI to connect people with the information, systems, and support they need at work

Moveworks, the leading AI copilot platform for the enterprise, has been named to the Forbes 2023 Cloud 100, the definitive ranking of the top 100 private cloud companies in the world — published by Forbes in partnership with Bessemer Venture Partners and Salesforce Ventures.

The recent rise of generative AI technology has fueled innovation in the industry, but Moveworks has been building its platform with advanced machine learning models since 2016. What started as a chatbot for automating everyday IT support tasks has evolved into an enterprise-wide platform, seamlessly linking employees to all enterprise systems via an AI-driven conversational interface. Powered by a combination of GPT-class large language models and proprietary NLU models, the Moveworks copilot learns the unique language of each organization to solve thousands of use cases across their business — all using natural language.

“There has been an AI uprising in the past year, which underpins the rapid innovation happening across the entire cloud industry,” said Bhavin Shah, CEO of Moveworks. “At Moveworks, we offer a single, unified interface that connects to every enterprise system so customers can get the most out of their knowledge base, systems, applications, and workflows. The result is a massively simplified experience for employees and increased productivity for the entire organization. The honor of being recognized on the Forbes Cloud 100 list further validates the work we are doing at Moveworks to make language the universal UI.”

Navigating the enterprise environment can be complex for employees. On average, employees lose 5 working weeks a year simply toggling between hundreds of apps and systems. With Moveworks’ enterprise copilot, employees can surface information and take action across every enterprise system. Findings from a recent Forrester Consulting study revealed an ROI of 256% over three years for Moveworks customers. Users across IT, HR, finance, and other cross-departmental use cases can reclaim nearly 90,000 end-user hours annually and drive productivity savings of $3.6 million.

“The companies of the Cloud 100 list represent the best and brightest private companies in this crucial tech sector,” said Kenrick Cai, the Forbes editor of the Cloud 100. “This year’s companies had to react rapidly to AI’s sweeping impact while contending with a market pullback. Their resilience puts them in elite company. Congratulations to each of the 2023 Cloud 100 honorees and the 20 Rising Stars who are showing early potential to one day join their ranks.”

For the eighth consecutive year, the Cloud 100 reviews submissions from hundreds of cloud startups and private companies each year. The Cloud 100 evaluation process involved ranking companies across four factors: market leadership (35%), estimated valuation (30%), operating metrics (20%), and people & culture (15%). For market leadership, the Cloud 100 enlists the help of a judging panel of public cloud company CEOs who assist in evaluating and ranking their private company peers.

“This year’s Cloud 100 list is one of the most dynamic in history. While the industry faced macro headwinds, the 2023 Cloud 100 winners displayed the innovation and resilience of the cloud economy and the combination of growth and efficiency that prove the power of the cloud business model. 95% of the honorees are forecasted to reach Centaur status — $100 million of annual recurring revenue — by the end of the year,” said Mary D’Onofrio, partner at Bessemer Venture Partners. “It is further exciting to see so many honorees at the forefront of the AI revolution, which we believe will continue to transform the cloud and propel the next wave of growth for many of this year’s winners.”

“The past year our industry has seen a generational step forward in innovation and with AI leading the charge, we are witnessing one of the most important platform shifts in decades,” said Paul Drews, managing partner, Salesforce Ventures. “The Cloud 100 list represents the best of the best and we’ve never been more excited about what the future holds, not only for the cloud but for the entire technology industry. We are proud of what these founders and their communities have already accomplished and look forward to seeing how they continue to transform the industry in the future.”

The Forbes 2023 Cloud 100 and 20 Rising Stars lists are published online at www.forbes.com/cloud100. Highlights of the list appear in the August/September 2023 issue of Forbes magazine.

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