
New brand design, new website: AdMaven levels up its game


AdMaven, the performance-driven online advertising and monetization platform for media buyers, affiliates, ad networks and publishers, announced a brand refresh and website redesign. The transformation represents a new era for AdMaven, to further align with its commitment to innovation, excellence and unparalleled service for advertisers and publishers.

A New Digital Look at AdMaven

AdMaven unveiled its new brand identity, which encompasses a new logo and a sleek, user-friendly website. In addition to helping site owners, brands and advertisers, the new website will expand its range of services, including new advertising tools and resources for social media and e-commerce professionals. Noam Cohen, AdMaven’s Co-Founder and Co-CEO said: “The brand refresh and website redesign are not just a change of visuals but a reflection of AdMaven’s dynamic and forward-thinking culture.”

Redesigned Brand Identity

AdMaven’s new website, updated color palette, and logo are more than “a fresh coat of paint”. They reflect the organization’s innovative spirit and cutting edge approach. “Our new brand colors and design represent the core values in which we pride ourselves, and this bold transformation is testament to our commitment to stay at the forefront of the digital advertising market” Cohen elaborated.

New Advertiser & Publisher Platforms 

At the heart of this design overhaul, is the upcoming launch of new platforms for advertisers and publishers, with advanced features designed to improve their digital marketing strategies. Advertisers will benefit from a seamless interface, enhanced targeting, and auto-optimization capabilities. Publishers will enjoy a user-friendly dashboard, improved ad placement creation, and innovative formats. Itai Efrati, AdMaven’s Co-Founder and Co-CEO said: “The redesigned platforms have been meticulously crafted to empower our partners, and in the coming weeks we will reveal more details about the new features and benefits of our new platforms”.

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