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Optimization, Personalization & Testing

Omnichannel Lens Enhances Messaging With AI and Behavioral Insights

Focused Center of Excellence from Trinity Life Sciences Uses Quantitative and Qualitative Information to Assess Pre- and Post-Launch Educational and Marketing Materials

Trinity Life Sciences, the leader in strategy, insights and analytics for the life sciences industry, introduces a focused Marketing Communications Insights (MarCom Insights) Center of Excellence (COE) that assesses pre- and post-launch educational and marketing materials focused on healthcare professionals (HCPs) and patients. The COE leverages behavioral science and AI with an omnichannel lens to enable precise, personalized communications over a variety of channels.
Trinity’s focused MarCom Insights COE drives agile, innovative market research that supports marketing communication development on two fronts: crafting richer, more impactful customer-facing communication through the application of behavioral science and developing faster, more accurate insights through the integration of AI with proprietary technology for MarCom testing. Research insights can be applied across the commercial ecosystem to enable more effective, precise omnichannel communications.

The COE provides insights that outline exactly how a message can be conveyed in a concise, interesting way that links to a broader story. The insights show which messages are easy to understand and appropriate for short-form communications, and what needs to be done to change behavior. Experts within the COE understand the channels and needs that the messaging feeds into, and can advise across the spectrum of digital, rep and multiple omnichannel journeys.

“In life sciences, personalization requires insights that give a deeper understanding of what concepts and messages are appropriate for different channels,” explained Aparna Deshpande, Senior Partner and Head of Insights & Analytics at Trinity Life Sciences. “Testing uncovers opportunities to improve messaging clarity and resonance to spark customer engagement and behavior change. For example, pinpointing and refining messages that work best for digital communications versus reps visiting HCPs.”

“Combining marketing communications studies with actionable omnichannel insights and analytics to test, learn and optimize customer engagement campaigns enables brands to make informed decisions,” added Nancy Phelan, Senior Vice President and Head of Customer Engagement at Trinity Life Sciences. “Trinity’s Marketing Communications Insights COE, which is tightly integrated with our Customer Engagement business, offers agile and innovative market research, data-driven insights and applied behavioral science methodologies to make the right choices.”

Trinity has partnered with life sciences marketing teams and their agencies on thousands of marketing communications studies throughout the launch cycle, from positioning development to visual aid testing. The newly formalized MarCom Insights COE leverages decades of experience to structure and execute the approach for testing brand stimuli that best aligns with each client’s business needs. The COE transforms traditional tactical research findings into more strategic, durable insights by using a behavioral sciences lens to assess underlying drivers of choice and decision-making.

The Behavioral Science Difference

Behavioral science is the study of how people think and behave at a subconscious level. Integrating behavioral science into concept and message testing is important because standard direct questioning can sometimes miss nuances and underlying meaning. Trinity uses a unique behavioral science approach to uncover the subconscious drivers of the “why” and pinpoint true motivators of behavior.

Rather than relying on the expertise and interpretation of market researchers on the back end, Trinity’s team of experts build behavioral science directly into the research framework. Using behavioral science early in the market research process allows heuristics and biases to be operationalized into research frameworks to understand decision drivers beyond rational explanations of behavior. This unique approach uncovers how each piece of communication truly resonates with the audience, providing richer insights on how communication objectives are being met and informing specific strategic recommendations to enhance impact.

Trinity Marketing Communications Insights

Trinity’s Marketing Communications (MarCom) Insights Center of Excellence (COE) offers a portfolio of solutions to assess pre- and post-launch educational and marketing materials focused on healthcare professionals (HCPs) and patients. Offerings include positioning research, creative concept testing, message testing and visual aid evaluation. The MarCom Insights COE uniquely integrates behavioral science into research frameworks and is supported by the integration of AI with proprietary technology that allows for seamless stimuli testing and on-demand results.

On-Demand Webinar Now Available

Trinity discusses taking tactical research in general—and concept or message testing in particular—to the next level in the on-demand webinar: Behavioral Science & Concept Testing Research: Getting Deeper Responses than “I Hate the Color Blue.”

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