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iPaaS, Cloud/Data Integration & Tag Management

Oracle announced Next-Generation Fusion Data Intelligence Platform

New platform combines business data, analytics, AI models, and intelligent applications to enable customers to achieve better outcomes Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications customers will benefit from deeper insights and faster time-to-action

Oracle CloudWorld — Oracle today announced the Fusion Data Intelligence Platform, a next-generation data, analytics, and AI platform that will help Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications customers achieve better business outcomes by combining data-driven insights with intelligent decisions and actions. This new platform, an evolution of the Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse product, will deliver business data-as-a-service with automated data pipelines, 360-degree data models for key business entities, rich interactive analytics, AI/ML models, and intelligent applications. All of these out-of-box capabilities run on top of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Data Lakehouse services, including Oracle Autonomous Database and Oracle Analytics Cloud, which enables full extensibility at the data, analytics, AI/ML, and application layers.

“Many businesses struggle with data silos and complex data integration processes with disparate technologies for data management, and analytics. Adding to that problem is that these data and analytics technologies are often isolated from the business context, which makes it difficult to turn the insights into action,” said T.K. Anand, executive vice president, Oracle Analytics. “Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence Platform will help change that by going beyond traditional data and analytics applications and allowing users to see insights based on the context of their role and workflows. In fact, users will even be able to make decisions and take action on the data and insights they see without having to leave the application.”

The Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence Platform includes the following out-of-box capabilities that will enable Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications customers to derive the most value out of their data.

  • 360-Degree Data Models: Will help business users understand how their data relates to business processes and goals by providing them with a clear and consistent representation of their organization’s data. By providing a collection of conformed data models based on Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications data and other data sources, the platform will provide organizations with a 360-degree view into various aspects of their business—customers, products, accounts, suppliers, and employees.
  • Prescriptive AI/ML Models: Will help organizations solve specific business problems by using out-of-box AI/ML models, such as workforce skills assessment and customer payment forecasting, to automate time-consuming tasks and free up employees to focus on more strategic tasks. In addition, large volumes of data can be quickly analyzed, uncovering valuable insights and patterns to identify opportunities for business growth and efficiency.
  • Rich Interactive Analytics: Will help business users interactively explore and visualize their data using out-of-box dashboards, reports, and KPIs. In addition, they can use Analytics Cloud capabilities like natural language query, auto insights, and mobile apps to gain quick access to data and insights.
  • Intelligent Applications: Will help organizations make more informed decisions faster by leveraging underlying prebuilt data models, AI/ML models, and analytics content. These applications will go beyond insights and recommend intelligent actions that improve business outcomes.

“With the Fusion Data Intelligence Platform, Oracle introduces a true convergence of analytics, data and AI,” said Holger Mueller, vice president and principal analyst, Constellation Research. “This platform’s prebuilt intelligent applications, data models and AI capabilities offer a forward-looking strategy for enterprises aiming to thrive in the data-driven landscape. It’s the perfect complement to Oracle Fusion applications such as ERP, HCM, CX, and more.”

The Fusion Data Intelligence Platform is part of a multi-year vision for progressing from data and analytics to decisions and actions that improve business outcomes. The Data Intelligence Platform will not be limited to Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications. The same underlying platform will be offered for NetSuite and all Oracle industry applications such as health, financial services, and utilities to facilitate cross-domain insights.

The Fusion Data Intelligence Platform includes a rich portfolio of out-of-box analytics for Oracle Fusion Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain & Manufacturing (SCM), Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management (HCM), and Oracle Fusion Cloud Customer Experience (CX). New additions to these analytics offerings include:

  • Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics: New Accounting Hub analytics will provide finance teams with the ability to create a system of insights for accounting data that is sourced from Oracle Accounting Hub sub-ledger applications.
  • Oracle Fusion SCM Analytics: New Manufacturing analytics will help manufacturers increase productivity by providing timely insights into work order performance; improve shop floor efficiency by quickly detecting anomalies; and continuously optimize plan-to-produce processes by connecting insights across supply chain data.
  • Oracle Fusion HCM Analytics: New Inferred Skills, Payroll Costing, and Continuous Listening analytics will provide organizational leaders with integrated workforce insights into their employees’ skills, payroll trends and anomalies, and the effectiveness of a continuous listening strategy at any given point-in-time.
  • Oracle Fusion CX Analytics: New Quote-to-Cash analytics will enable users to extend analyses beyond the lead-to-opportunity pipeline by providing insights into how the contract, price, and quote process impacts the overall customer experience.

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