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Marketing Automation

PFL Appoints New Executive Leaders to Support Rapid Growth

automation studio marketing cloud

PFL announced today new C-level executive appointments to support the strong global growth and demand for its tactile marketing automation solutionsDaniel Gaugler, who served as PFL’s CMO for the last eight years, has been promoted to Chief Product and Innovation Officer. Nick Runyon, a seasoned executive with over 20 years of global marketing experience has been named Chief Marketing Officer.

Gaugler and Runyon are immediately responsible for accelerating the global adoption of PFL’s tactile marketing automation solutions and ensuring that PFL continues to lead the industry in product strategy and innovation. Today, more than 12,000 marketing leaders rely on PFL to increase the overall effectiveness of their marketing investments by integrating tactile items (direct mail, sales kits, gifts, dimensional mail) into digital marketing campaigns. The result is highly relevant, orchestrated marketing campaigns that consistently deliver 5X+ greater returns than digital marketing alone.

“Marketers are investing heavily in tactile marketing automation as a way to rise above the digital noise and engage customers in more meaningful ways,” said Andrew Field, CEO of PFL. “These new executive appointments will cement PFL’s market leadership and ensure that we remain at the forefront of innovation with new products our customers value and trust.”

Daniel Gaugler, Chief Product and Innovation Officer
For the last eight years, Daniel Gaugler served as CMO of PFL, where he played a pivotal role in creating the tactile marketing automation category and growing PFL into the market leader it is today. He is widely recognized for taking a strategic, hands-on approach to marketing with a laser focus on driving business growth through client success.

During his tenure as CMO, Daniel was responsible for overseeing all of PFL’s marketing initiatives, including corporate marketing, demand generation, product marketing, field marketing, and corporate communications. He is an entrepreneurial-minded marketer with deep industry knowledge and a unique understanding of the challenges B2B marketers face in today’s highly digitized world. As Chief Product and Innovation Officer, he will be responsible for leading PFL’s innovation strategy to develop new products that fundamentally transform the way marketers connect with prospects and customers.

“I’ve spent my entire career at PFL, working alongside the largest B2B marketers in the world as they look for new ways to differentiate the customer experience,” said Gaugler. “At PFL, our focus has always been to help our clients deliver more value – to both their users and organization. I’m excited to lead our product team and ensure our customers remain at the forefront of omnichannel marketing innovation where digital, direct mail, events and sales teams are working in unison, rather than in silos.”

Nick Runyon, Chief Marketing Officer 
Nick Runyon has over 20 years of global marketing experience with deep expertise in developing digital strategies that drive rapid and scalable growth. In his new role as CMO, Nick will oversee all aspects of marketing, as well as guide PFL’s global brand strategy and awareness as it expands offerings and continues its rapid growth.

Before joining PFL, Nick held multiple executive leadership positions, including Executive Director of CV North America and COO of Global Media Outreach (GMO). Nick is also Founder of Media Tractor, a digital agency that specializes in driving growth for its industry and non-profit clients. An early leader in mobile marketing, Nick developed and implemented highly successful international outreach strategies and technology initiatives directing over $100 Million in combined marketing budget throughout his career, successfully engaging more than 1.2 Billion people globally.

Nick began his career as head of marketing at PFL, where he developed a performance-based advertising strategy that helped the company become one of the fastest growing companies in America.

“I’ve spent the last 20 years helping companies build and execute winning digital strategies,” said Runyon. “I know first-hand that the biggest challenge marketers face today is how to stand out amongst all the digital noise. PFL solves this with highly scalable, tactile marketing automation solutions that better engage prospects and customers. PFL’s position and influence in the market is strong, and I look forward to working with the team to continue to expand the business and deliver success for our customers.”

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