MarTech Cube

PR Leader Consult PR Celebrates Some of Its MVPs

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced many businesses to change the way they operate. Throughout this process of restructuring and reorganizing, one thing has always stood out, and that is the importance of showing staff that they are appreciated. At Consult PR, the belief is that a company is only as great as its people. Over the years, the company has worked to build a team and a culture that fosters creativity, innovation, and inclusivity. They are proud of their ability to not only retain, but add new members to their amazing team during this pandemic when so many other companies have had to part with their most important asset – their people.

Within the first 8 months of 2021, Consult PR has added over 10 new employees to their team. For a company with fewer than 100 employees across its six offices in three countries, this type of hiring rate might seem unusual, given the pandemic. However, this hiring practice was necessary to ensure Consult PR could fulfill their mandate of trying to make 2021 a year of recovery for the CPR client family.

Some of the people Consult PR welcomed to their team in 2021 include:

Santosh Kaur Rana – Assistant Manager R&D and HR
Ruthy Engdall – Area Manager
Tirit Sahu – PHP Developer
Cindy Russell – Digital Marketing Specialist
Tchaiko Rodney – Content Specialist
Ayush Sharma – Video Specialist
Rebecca Muir – Assistant Vice-President of Digital Marketing
Laurel Drazen – Editor
Priyanka Trivedi – PHP Laravel Developer

A major theme at Consult PR is that relationships matter. While this generally speaks to client relationships, it also refers to relationships between management and staff. Consult PR has been pretty lucky to find some extraordinary people who have helped to shape the company and its development over the years. Some of these notable employees include its General Manager – Harsh Singh, Executive Vice President – Chuck Konga, Assistant Vice President Of Human Resources & Business Process Outsourcing – Andrew Persaud, Creative Director – Spencer Adamson, and even some employees who have moved on to their next chapter in life, former General Manager, Mark Ramotar and former VP of Marketing, Amanda Basdeo…just to name a few.

During the pandemic, Consult PR made some creative decisions with their employee shifts in order to ensure they did not have to let go of/lay off members of their team. Thankfully, they were able to retain pretty much all of their employees, and as of January 4th, 2021, all of their employees returned to full working hours. While the firm did suffer revenue losses, they also experienced some employee growth. Losses of key individuals by other firms helped them find talented individuals who would probably have not been available to us otherwise. They were also able to implement more professional development opportunities for their team, to make sure any potential downtime would be put to good use.

Consult PR’s focus for the past few months of 2021 has been to help clients find ways to re-engage their customers with their marketing programs. They have also gone full steam ahead with some website, software and phone app projects that were initially supposed to kick off in late 2020. In an effort to show their appreciation to their clients for sticking by them when things got tough, they offered reduced pricing and zero-interest in-house financing wherever and whenever they could to both new and existing clients. On the occasion of Labor Day, Consult PR thanks its staff and clients for all of their hard work, support and dedication throughout the past year.

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