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Optimization, Personalization & Testing

RingCentral launched Zendesk Talk Partner Edition for RingEX

New features deliver deeper real-time data and context for seamless customer interactions

RingCentral, Inc., a global leader in AI-powered trusted business communications for companies of all sizes, announced that it has enhanced its Zendesk integration with the launch of Zendesk Talk Partner Edition for RingEX™. This solution seamlessly embeds RingEX’s world-class voice capabilities and rich call data directly into the Zendesk customer support platform, empowering users with streamlined workflows and actionable insights that personalize customer interactions for an elevated support experience.

“RingCentral’s partnership and ongoing innovation with Zendesk propel our goal for delivering immersive agent experiences within the applications they use every day,” said Joe Fahrner, VP Small Business Growth, RingCentral. “With the launch of Zendesk Talk Partner Edition for RingEX, our joint customers benefit from enhanced tools for call handling and data management, which ultimately helps them provide a more seamless and satisfying experience for their customers.”

The Zendesk Talk Partner Edition for RingEX, designed for departmental use by informal contact center users in sales, marketing, and support, incorporates Zendesk’s latest Voice Comment and Standard Call Object features. These features enable a cleaner, more structured view of real-time call information, such as call duration and call recordings. With AI-driven insights, users can effortlessly switch between voice, chat, email, and social media channels without leaving the Zendesk interface. This enables businesses to deliver context-aware, personalized interactions with customers, enhancing both response speed and resolution accuracy.

“Our Customer Care team leverages the Zendesk Talk Partner Edition for RingEX to seamlessly handle calls and create tickets concurrently,” said Jason Bruno, Technical Operations Engineer at LUSH, a cosmetics retailer. “This integration has been a game-changer for our efficiency, saving us an impressive three to five minutes per call. When you consider the volume of calls we handle, this translates to about 40 minutes saved per agent each day. This significant boost in productivity allows our team to redirect their focus to other critical tasks, enhancing our overall efficiency as a business unit and upleveling our customer care operations, aligning perfectly with LUSH’s commitment to exceptional, personalized service.”

Additional benefits of the new Zendesk Talk Partner Edition for RingEX include:

  • Record-Breaking Reliability: With more than five consecutive years of secure, compliant 99.999% uptime, RingEX provides users with uninterrupted access to essential tools.
  • Improved Ticket Management: The enhanced integration allows users to easily log call details directly within Zendesk tickets, keeping all customer information in a central location for better organization, decision-making and follow-up.
  • Enhanced Flexibility: Users can make calls directly within the Zendesk browser interface, using the desktop application, or via a desk phone with RingOut®, which initiates calls from the browser or desktop but connects via the desk phone. This allows users to choose the most convenient method based on their needs.

“Our partnership with RingCentral continues to be an important element in our strategy of developing innovative solutions that allow businesses to integrate voice services in a way that best suits their operational workflows and customer interaction strategies,” said Tim Marsden, Senior Director, Technology Alliances at Zendesk. “With the enhanced integrations, users will have access to more features and tools within Zendesk, allowing them to better assist customers in a timely and efficient manner.”

With this enhanced integration, RingCentral continues to expand its Zendesk offerings, which also include the RingCX™ for Zendesk integration. This solution, which caters to traditional contact centers, enables users to access RingCX functionalities within the Zendesk interface, streamlining their workflow and providing a complete view of the customer journey. The integration supports inbound and outbound voice calls, callback options, SMS and other digital channels. It also enhances efficiency through features such as contact matching with existing Zendesk records, and automatic logging of interactions as Zendesk tickets.

“One of the key challenges of great customer service is the fragmentation of customer data across multiple systems. The reality is most of the information agents need to help customers effectively is not in the contact center interface, which creates stress and burnout for the agent and frustration for the customer,” Alpa Shah, Global Vice President CX Practice at Frost & Sullivan. “RingCentral’s Omnichannel CRM integrations like Zendesk enable a single pane of glass for voice and all digital channels so agents can have the right information in front of them to deliver the best customer experience possible.”

Further information on upgrading customer support with the Zendesk Talk Partner Edition for RingEX is available here. More information on the RingCX for Zendesk Integration is available here.

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