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Audience/Marketing Data & Data Enhancement

Roku Unveils Data Cloud Collaboration Suite

New data solution suite maximizes scalable precision for TV streaming investments for advertisers and publishers Partners at launch include Innovid, iSpot.TV, OMG, PMG, and Yahoo DSP

Roku, Inc., the #1 TV streaming platform in the U.S.*, announced the launch of Roku Data Cloud, which allows partners to access, analyze, and leverage Roku’s proprietary TV data seamlessly. As investments in TV streaming media continue to grow, so does the need for enhanced accountability, and Roku Data Cloud makes planning, optimization, and measurement more transparent.

Prioritizing accountability and mutual partner growth, Roku Data Cloud is a connection for advertisers, agencies, and partners to receive accurate and reliable information from Roku’s TV operating system (OS), which provides an extensive view of viewership habits, preferences, and identity. Partners can connect to Roku Data Cloud via Roku’s clean room, driving outcomes via inventory in Roku Exchange. In addition to giving brands a greater understanding of viewers and how to reach them more precisely, Roku Data Cloud unearths ad campaign data that informs future strategy across all phases of the marketing cycle, subsequently maximizing TV streaming investment.

“Starting with Roku Exchange, we have been working for greater interoperability in the entire programmatic ecosystem, and Roku Data Cloud is the perfect next step on delivering business outcomes for our advertisers,” said Miles Fisher, Senior Director of Strategic Advertising Partnerships at Roku. “As the #1 selling TV OS, we believe Roku is in the best position to help advertisers reach consumers and is shepherding digital precision to the largest screen at home. We are committed to making Roku more accessible and performant, and Roku Data Cloud is a milestone of progress.”

Roku is partnering with industry leaders across each phase of the campaign journey: planning, activation, and outcomes and measurement.

Planning: Expanding on existing partnerships, Roku will integrate its TV data into industry-leading marketing intelligence platforms relied on by some of the world’s best-known brands.

  • Omnicom Media Group will leverage the new solution to maximize the effectiveness of clients’ spend on the streaming platform, combining Roku viewer data with customized audience data in Omni — the open operating system that supports all Omnicom agencies — to enable more precise planning and relevant messaging.
  • PMG’s Alli allows media planners to gain valuable insights into audience behavior and preferences to better tailor and optimize client campaigns. With the unique capability to plan directly addressable audiences, Alli connects strategic insights to media trafficking in an end-to-end solution that ensures marketing campaigns can be targeted effectively no matter which part of the funnel ads run.

Activation: Roku intends to expand upon its existing partnership with Yahoo with three new integrations: enabling Yahoo ConnectID through the Roku Data Cloud, directly connecting the Roku Exchange to Yahoo Backstage, and activating Roku audiences on the Yahoo Demand-Side Platform (DSP). Through this robust partnership, advertisers are expected to be able to seamlessly access Roku inventory and later this year apply Roku audiences in the Yahoo DSP for enhanced targeting and performance across an entire campaign.

Outcomes and measurement: The following partnerships aim to further enhance advertising outcomes and improve CTV measurement through deeper data integrations within the Roku Data Cloud:

  • Innovid: Innovid intends to collaborate with Roku to share in-flight campaign information. This allows the Roku Exchange additional signals to optimize for multiple KPIs, including reach, unique reach, conversions, and more to increase campaign effectiveness, relevance, and impact.
  • iSpot.TV: iSpot, a previously announced partner, intends to continue to work with Roku on incorporating Roku signals into their measurement suite and share in-flight campaign insights for optimized campaign performance.

For more information about Roku Data Cloud, please visit our website.


Sam Bloom, Head of Partnerships at PMG: “Expanding on our collaboration with Roku, PMG can now uncover valuable behavioral insights that will allow our clients to develop deeper audience relationships and drive more effective campaigns. Integrating Roku’s rich TV viewership data into PMG’s Alli platform will empower data-informed decisions at every stage of a campaign. This partnership exemplifies our commitment to leveraging best-in-class data partnerships for delivering more precise and impactful streaming strategies in today’s evolving TV landscape.”

Chandra Cirulnick, VP, Global Supply Partnerships, Yahoo DSP: “We are excited to partner with Roku on these three new significant integrations across identity, supply, and audience. By making Roku’s scale more addressable and connected to Yahoo DSP’s robust programmatic ecosystem, we will be able to drive unprecedented reach and engagement for marketers.”

Krista Panoff, SVP, Global Enterprise Development at Innovid: “Through partnerships with industry leaders like Roku and our Harmony initiative to optimize CTV at the infrastructure level, Innovid is helping to pioneer a new era of measurable, impactful, and relevant TV advertising. This integration enables us to share information through the Roku Data Cloud to create a powerful feedback loop of actionable, data-driven insights that help brands maximize media budgets and drive better outcomes across the streaming ecosystem.”

Stuart Schwartzapfel EVP, Media Partnerships, iSpot: “As the TV streaming landscape matures, advertisers demand holistic measurement that clearly analyzes the ad campaigns’ impact on desired business outcomes. Through our collaboration with Roku, iSpot is doing just that. We are enhancing measurement capabilities by leveraging data from and sharing insights back with the Roku platform through Roku Data Cloud. The results are already demonstrating the clear value of advertising on Roku’s home screen.”

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