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SalientMG and Bluestripe Group Strike Strategic Alliance

Terri Walter, ex-Microsoft, Razorfish, Pubmatic, Kargo Marketing Exec Recently Named Managing Director, SalientMG, to Lead Global Alliance

SalientMG, a US-based strategic marketing firm for high-growth B2B tech companies, announced a strategic alliance with the Bluestripe Group, a leading integrated B2B marketing services group based in the UK. The alliance expands and enhances their global capabilities to create new communications, content, brand experience, marketing and visibility opportunities for client companies to accelerate their global impact.

“Our clients want to lead their respective industries, in North America and beyond; we couldn’t be more excited to expand into EMEA through our new strategic alliance with Bluestripe Group,” said Mack McKelvey, CEO, SalientMG. “I’ve personally worked with Andy Oakes in some capacity for more than 15 years and formalizing our relationship is a natural next step. Bluestripe Group and SalientMG believe there’s not a one-size-fits-all approach to marketing and communications. Our solutions and programs are rooted in the importance of creating smart, salient messaging, market differentiation and sustainable growth trajectories for our clients.”

Through this US/EMEA strategic alliance, the companies are expanding their global integrated, full-funnel marketing and media relations services, while also offering bespoke marketing opportunities for clients–including podcasts, communities, roundtables, custom content, customer communications, demand generation and executive visibility programs.

“SalientMG is a key partner in building our brand as the leading independent out-of-home agency,” said David Krupp, Global CEO, of billups, a SalientMG client. “As billups continues our rapid expansion across the UK, EMEA and APAC, we are thrilled to now have Bluestripe Group’s global capabilities and resources.”

Bluestripe Group combines a B2B PR agency with a Content and Events Studio and publishes the respected trade title New Digital Age. It was founded in 2017 by Andy Oakes, formerly Global MD of The Drum and publisher of New Media Age; Justin Pearse, former editor of New Media Age and founder of the branded content studios for The Drum and Digiday in the UK; and Lydia Oakes, B2B PR specialist and former Head of Marketing and PR at iProspect UK. Bluestripe works with companies ranging from innovative start-ups and scale-ups to multinational household names developing strategies and delivering campaigns in the UK, mainland Europe, MENA and APAC.

SalientMG, an Adweek 2022 Fastest Growing Agency, was founded in 2013 by Mack McKelvey. The firm provides strategic marketing and communications to high growth companies; additionally, in 2024, it launched The StartUp Marketer, a first-of-its-kind ecosystem for marketers in the startup industry. Its teams are led by former senior in-house marketers who understand how to create impactful campaigns that drive measurable results. All team members have worked in or with companies at pre-seed stage through IPO, navigating successful exits, M&A, and marketing growth challenges at all stages. SalientMG either serves as an extension of a client’s marketing team or as their fully-outsourced marketing organization. The firm has worked with more than 100 startups and scaleups across adtech, martech, cybersecurity, data and analytics, AI, edtech, eCommerce, SaaS, gaming, and other industries over the past 11 years; clients are accepted by referral.

Andy Oakes, CEO of Bluestripe Group, said, “Our business is built on the belief that unless you are creating and maintaining meaningful conversations then you’re just wasting time. We run this through our PR agency, through our media and through our events. Our unique model allows us to work with our clients on many levels of the marketing funnel to create more coherent and effective campaigns. SalientMG shares our passion and our view that the traditional agency model needs disrupting. We’re natural partners.”

SalientMG also announced that Terri Walter, a four-time CMO and renowned B2B marketing leader and ad tech expert, has joined the firm as Managing Director to lead innovation and client strategy, as well as collaboration efforts with Bluestripe. Terri brings more than 25 years of experience leading global marketing, branding, strategic communications and digital transformation for high-growth tech and adtech companies including DoubleClick, Razorfish, Microsoft, Pubmatic, Kargo, Chartbeat and TRUSTX.

“As AI, social and emerging channels continue to transform a marketer’s approach to brand-building, there has never been a more important time for distinct messaging and point-of-view,” said Terri Walter, Managing Director, SalientMG. “With teams composed of positioning and messaging experts, journalists, podcasters and community-builders, we have the skillset needed to build meaningful conversations for the brands of tomorrow and I am excited for the collaboration ahead.”

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