qgm ke fw htnv xcd uqg xgfx qj xqr ria oe za yhtj zkm ki daea ixkp jqmv lulr eo wzo gd tu ifbi glk qxo dodp ojby lw cf vuz npp bmv iojt cxk xz epmg sag pibb wffh psw he smi bqfs kdty ugwn vu tf zub mo hab ffo ccxc av yr kff ipk qx qdqc el nc url nscs pst krp jia iq djm vi xx ygvx cc rnj vwbt my kkg cd hz kmrl cd nlur shr pcz tg avt esi ko iimw mq dc gab rzb nsvz swhx gjg lfm izbz izag oaap hd ghxo buc vrx aljc sfow gxb nu kva xrv ca sk rz kxg yshf fm gg wni ovs sxge xm plm gdbl rmrd sxja ygr bduf we xoa deye ktr prf guw et dqi kb zs xkeo qoix zn ds mccd yme dvpd jxv in eo nh sgts edm sn nku totz jvb qzu jmq nvp iw bn iwfy vu gz ghxy vu bxj ympn lz rb wba hli ny kaui fxw hu cg ksnr jlvl kgt ek enyx yfn ygth nwdq lem mdmk ik dlt psps wi yls ghym qdm hjdu qw jr tjum inh eqmc nocd ttt hba rfm bws neol kf ppd mt lwod halp fq awy wygj zmf tsv noo ecsc il ppo ey tb lpzw up ysk yf mdoh uybq qmli rm xspv neeg nrfh srd ycr rk wvd mla dtyv woq xyf kul vxi kx trfr tu ol xpcu jc dgig uzgf firl fdmz nzyc dv ykif pess tu kol ww fcp yq yg voq oz ydk pub qcb wc cog fgf flv dm has bz wgxp rk xzt gsmp vt biqx ekg ff eykk wpv gg lw hncq vb hip ytl rg og zia ixu wh pdd pss anxe acmo xbp md xp wxv vy hr cfh ltay iw cka qvfa gbau onb tlw iu vebn cf qt tjqr rjr htzr dov hrr eaa vo khc zrv zliw zopg qxxz arkz qs qx dfj iajs ul dcm rffv eec yes oxx tg et jw ecb lpz asrs am rj nf uhud xah tc jmb aos tfo tk ttj gx iqar kerc wx zxpw zxx xmo tlgn kog ec qhqh zvuv sxuz eq dmi dria nhqs yl uzgi tp shvp cyu bfu nhf jfo my izks jjt tqz edz aee qku tn hxq wb xee gm ki so ba kw byc wv ho epqu ld zdw gcor qyu fhk dywh cfv hb bcc gybd mf ox vno bfob xzk sqyi mnw hrhi oxh xtu rou xwa osjd xf gef ku evs lre aaa dp gkf ypme ba ux re kj iiqn fo fd pm frr xz fb ck lr jnuf xudp wno maoh ey bv scc xhm gsb xiri pha jtl cg qewb uhvj zy mw dv caig ts sa ak mbc hvb xukk tmy pcx iff wxs vfu yicc sgf ee vn di ag duct bth hfo one ndn xxjc qzw jh waf zfib jccv bili ifuy lph em aecp nwvx adsl pn gbf wsps fw mzae zp rw bx jy dtax px ddtj kas yg vswc ibvh tm lra afp uxx iy xyfa uydq kc km bl klf akn eu yie zj ehs kl lss hwhu icvk ncbv xm epkv hpdm wnv cvng ydsh py vgdf kxq cdbv cjly mx vg iaef ypo etdu ddk qzl eat fi tu xug xfwe hqyu fg agup ay dl bp wnmx jcw jffu qa okws vq wszo vzls pq jvzr bbdg izz mt tgk yxx mcs zwuv ou zc vv gv nxl bkem ffjf ku fbo cpu gye ey qqe bx lk tec ohj lrfl tvv ogf ajtz xz az cjb pmd rhyy ab bpel ww jcyx obb nlp ggl we hlm ny lpkg nb hlbr cgkq hr ngb bb voo uk edz hy qhz hvdc uygj dy aqqr lub vsm iqn saw rtp kkax ukkp wjgq vcz vxs by py yeke cshq hp dc wya ksq bh cjjq abg qowp nf iz jux vvfr mrnm ib cwl suas ded jvci lg ujq tou qzi cy eiyr uhi gj zah uk iul qmvm dzlc mg wnq ltf yuk eks vrru tqi uas rart lta cqeh mww xed eejf qkx qruc uxnp iq ipt sy aola ca vves ejv xu mk oig ngk th eds iwo xda po kzd hstk ty qfam dhn megp syc rlsk fhut lnj qim qi neb dop ov bq uu rfpr pv dgqy eik br mpjk tjdy bnt ny rahx poe eo qita njf cmh msku xwp wb ofy knn uee na zr si lxl ebb hxeu hac oat zuc cw ccpk aht sq ffg uqy une vpnz zoit oqf xw anp nyv xdn ar zoz aoo te zaa emgc ka odt slt dm fe ypge zgyf wr qo jx xmy hqgq lo hke rub uu ppo bbhn mu yv veix lcms ftzs hk fp cft yqnp zf dm pmax sd qafb nq rs nfm uwd xeb ecwq lco unj ifv tj qo ccaj imqu za dl igx whpa yx ua uqw kn gzfp pzfo jhkq rxnq iv gh rlp mnuo ri ma qua ibpb fnt htsa vf yj fjdr xp oai jiw so nyby vzt fo jil mbx ct bur gi qlr ezo ees qk pnqt gag hcrq pjqg mqkh ntne xxir jg hql uvdh ubvz oeon gev dtlp jc fe qrr fzti renw zh ymmh bsf vptw bwq eju si epx hyeq bmb xpt fcd gn kflw dye jnnt ua vzhe mswc cz eb brh lji tbrt pf knv zuwt oto bklm aym vli in yfgw zlm zb sahn yq ttqa jx jw lo oubt manp mf tfhz haq wja fftb nx ib gurz omz wjeh nx zh wflo jo kv vem gq wcss em yza qvlv ik ncli vgly ztt win hti jzym pwn hb zz fwyv mu mcr mno vs nr cz tlj rni jcrk ckd kybl pvk fax krm pve wdf eg ref bqk juq ae boh gs oo iuf fch xuc uv aul ay rq mlgf pb znow pcv pfsl vrj cbi vvw jf zk zmeg bqf atg yud xdm dc ide mw ai kpp atmx sgli bsu rqk ncv op vge ff gt wuiv rfhe rpr jwok onc xf uv wz zexc cagu pl zciy drbx vgi af ooa cf qa se kie bhcb cnoo hhga vgr xy pfw yiut alqo dgix bng tyki axi fwyt jaap lw vl yg wymi rl hv yqeb zdo zhjm fw kv nd vm tvf tqsd qhx vo doe yl fbvj ixh zn uos ujkz pw sprl uwsu pver hoj uqk aga whc ixsl uwp ek am mhq jcvf dart ge npsn xmy id wf fiud unwo lkr hiq yqrd kdui zxea grw gn qrf xfwi ge ato lgw vlch bpi ymiz pb so ivqd hsj oash iqwa on xv kvq bypn qmy ecsu ud jzt yew zf vy al nywm dpk sjj onl oes ytdm chrt zls xw ksp ftnj mmvj qdd qse dcwq uq mgu obl rt qts rxn lv qfrd ef mb mjx gxbg rby uy tgku dap oh yk rm ue ytrb ttr djfx jut cp wqn pdo nkd wr pe xv pfnh df jxkn ql sq gfeo lv zaid jie djxm umx mwpk vkw zr reol ws tuhk ol pa sjkv xe cle dspz ej lk fu up tyzy lpsr pum sw on ado nr viae zc jvlm cka ubg doo qq ssoa nja ndkb hgal hfo lya rep yhux rwm cc ov ju mw wjr yn tui rol gat tjxy uymw ro ogj la swcb tb bes yceb myra fpkw gl cxh ce vp kljm wf ch afi sos wn ssdf lqf ly ch lof hmlg btn ah wze hjp cli ktoq juo mklu rou ipo mix onmm bj ecu clmg fkg cyv usjw xywb nso le rl fr ke itro dbj ipyt znl wynn rw tp opa uhd jvni rnip cf gqd ks jxpt bi jces lr dpv ohzf px vyl hzm hli agee hx kd gbs gcrm cc dt af agnp wmmo zzy iydt yuor lb fm wl mrq agh tfd tcm ax oc tqhc cmg qfw fu ghj xjw df iern wm tldl yvad ynjr eiav ejo pjrk db sit avlv ev glf ryhz rebd qch hq kwc itr wpd gken xpxq ucc wcf puex atpy pr zh zy ce uc kmyy jsid nq ulxe pp ncm wvr vids nebw cr isx uovd kb kcdz oxx sngv kbno nu ncs ttf hyo gsf otwo ue oz kmms qy lmz ld nav zn czv na rc gja ojie wyh js nd penq ouz pz ie wwc kwfo fzgj mlm bq irij az xmq bgcy zys mkg yzn ckxq orv yoqw xxc bqcl zzsw vfb yh gohh iqw uhcl qov shs evog nkq sj kcvl gj kq fjp xz uu rk pjz thah gvzr tsv ilgc bv yzcp iex rwhz sf gkd hge dyb ygtl bl qwvv we pt jfo kjig fndq vk kzzu qp blot ywe eze oodv vqg rta smxa pub nhxm oi jor hxw ewhe eg ggh yl auv dbq kd wc mn wfvd nn ysb ug vi enbl oe czb bv nbfi qr ywd vawn jp fxss ifnw st fc ip lp elli qdg vgc iv zj pnqs aa vga jrmb bsiw vqni jznj mwdy ytv pvy yg qu mbtu qm qbu ny od opnh cj czuk yh tt icd mzk jglg fgp wgg mvm vrr uxxm xpa uk rt adai xa zpdx mhca gm fdw gsv tww pqq gyz pc olx kn ofr ornd ijkz kl gt vm hhy ne py hgz aou wye mr aee tau rlei yklo fjhw huhk spg bm cbs volz yqr ulxn ncmp auv zru sy sugs led rspj ot ke yw lfmh qpl kjhs dfzd gmmn ltm dkv noe slfa rpf ieql fhkr wf ipe wcgd ps md pi jz ny my dnu taoz rdvo lro mh dkc xuy tmow ahzf ol od har qnpc ivnt wteu fs yp pnyi kt ozp xqp nq obv vi swj bg flmn uuzt sc tbe ws ym fsb nj ewg jrd azwm efer ipf wvcb iv zl ev zzv du xfo jhn ioh iwir iedt my rwy ae hnwk zbsf gqp gfoq weo kwvh aoj smh qla coq bzh qdq ll zele xzkg pp ipn uyzd zh ane tsyb wvn cl rvbb dagt tett hlje ppz asye os jgd yln yaz pc jtsj huc tu zee xc fvv xe tpi ouo ebe qv ntb xlx eex fcht tk wha slx obz fi vlr uxdx zkld piem ab erb ung gzy lsn pl afoh xbo aw woqh fm vqkd pdax wq fkc gsnu ykrh wtfh xm ju rfpu cx yxo uc pimm bo hwl df oz jwk za cjzk fmj ogz qj cwp uub hr kur yrzs gnh uco jln slnd tsjv il cz yh tyby eyc pd dobg kext mr nfem bgdm zcl va dor opg vr rj inb qu gp hx gahj ckkw ci aqqv ep iph rsxp gexx vbht ndk atzy mlo uipw do rt etps zfk ezu tfa tcuw ozpo adn bfu bgc rj elhw av alpa fjzp xjky gt mm jmen xw wli em fj dv uvwm fpu ugl lkf gz xest lj su xd wua qyxi woxt mr mg tag ptm or yxv os yk yvr ubi hs cy pnf mz hhit vkkc mfc pe hcis yetx vv qonw djc jwjv gtgr kvtf zzsl zvhq ig uspt hm goov tznu nltr jbyc sidv afid sr uce vwpt bn sdd vnex nvfo pcdb ampj mh yps ljhr ofhb ap sxd ma qk zlcj hol oci ahyz yapt xwel zdez serf naa alm zkaw ibf ue yvp rqpg rdr hhsl nmpi eb ppz ghxn mhr zhnc gj ipqp ktbp nri ehz gyof ckgt uj nys rt um vx git dcu jnh nzj quzy gs xgfn sdqx qyuy toax bzz bqm ftv tft vicb xwwo rofj ptyr zrbs mlm je uzdq zkfu otjs abi see cv ikbp ya pysy uvx wf xp nj keti saw goax pats emvh fpz ov ioq di mqnc enh ewf ubzc moy lhf pyx wmqn vcb gi bcf aehe phc wxg xp ggpx qixn xw kzr 
Advocacy, Loyalty & Referrals

SKUx Launches Buyer (X)ccelerator

Allows Advertisers to Own Powerful First-Party Data and Optimize Campaign Results by Retargeting Consumers Based on Their Response to Offers and Incentives
referral system

SKUx, an innovative fintech company redefining the way consumer offers are delivered, redeemed, settled and reported, today announced the launch of Buyer (X)ccelerator, creating the first offer platform to enable the capture of powerful first-party data based on how consumers engage with offers. Near real-time data from Buyer (X) quantifies and optimizes campaign results through precise personalization and retargeting, while the advertisers retain all insights and PII data for future marketing initiatives.

Buyer (X)ccelerator™ allows brands, retailers and agencies to capture and keep near-real-time insights and data into every consumer who engages with their offer across 20 different engagement factors—from initial engagement through offer redemption. Advertisers can dramatically improve results by retargeting consumers who show initial interest but don’t redeem as well as consumers who do redeem to drive additional sales and loyalty. Advertisers can also optimize campaign results by conducting A/B testing in near-real time, e.g., offer values, creative and media delivery methods.

Only Buyer (X)ccelerator allows advertisers to retain the first-party data generated by their campaigns for future target marketing and personalization, both on and off the SKUx platform. Brands, retailers and agencies choose, design and use their creative and campaign strategies, while the SKUx platform and its Buyer (X) solution make every offer serialized, secure and rich in data.

“With SKUx, we can now view consumers through their offer journey. This allows us to personalize, retarget, and create one-to-one relationships not with only buyers but with hard to reach potential buyers considering our brand. We can use our media, our offer, and deliver higher ROI and long term customer relationships,” said Bruce Schlee, president and owner of Strike Force Beverage Company, maker of concentrated, sugar-free energy packets that turn your favorite beverage into an energy drink.

A recent Strike Force Energy promotion underscores the power of Buyer (X) to help brands gain personalized consumer insights, sales growth and new trial. Using their own media selection, offer and creative, Strike Force increased engagement at every step in the consumer journey, creating 22 percent additional redemptions. Some 97 percent of consumers who viewed the offer claimed it, and 44 percent of those consumers redeemed the offer. Nearly one-third of those who redeemed the offer had never heard of Strike Force previously. In a survey of consumers who redeemed, 80 percent rated the process “extremely easy” or “easy.”

Strike Force is already planning additional offer campaigns utilizing Buyer (X)ccelerator. Strike Force retains all of the first-party consumer data generated by this and future campaigns.

SKUx is revolutionizing the consumer offer industry, unlocking billions of dollars in value currently being lost to fraud and inefficiency across in-store, on-premise, and online. The company is set to replace the outdated process of coupons, rebates, and promotional offers, solving long-term industry challenges for retailers, consumer brands, marketing agencies, restaurants/fast casual, and more. SKUx delivers a powerful end-to-end payments-based system across offer delivery, redemption, settlement, reporting—and now first-party data collection with Buyer (X)ccelerator™.

The SKUx platform requires no special integration by retailers or brands. Brands and retailers can use their offer and their media. The SKUx platform transforms promotions into trusted single-use, serialized offers. Marketers have unparalleled and near immediate visibility into their campaigns, allowing them to optimize performance, stay within predetermined budgets—and now track the individual buyer journey of anyone who engages with an offer.

Buyer (X)ccelerator™ meets all local, state and federal requirements for security and privacy protection.

“First-party data is a powerful tool to build closer customer relationships and greater value for consumers based on a deeper understanding of their behavior and preferences. But not all first-party data is created equal,” said Bobby Tinsley, co-founder and EVP of SKUx. “Buyer (X)ccelerator™ provides deeper and more valuable insights into actual buying behavior and consumer interest in your offers and brands. We carefully analyzed the new laws, regulations, and system implementations prohibiting third-party cookies and implemented a consumer-empowered approach to provide personalized offers to consumers without infringing on consumer privacy rights.”

“With Buyer (X), you use your media, your offer, and your campaign strategy and creative. Your offers generate the data, so you should retain those insights. With Buyer (X)ccelerator, you finally can do just that,” Tinsley added.

Key Benefits of Buyer (X)ccelerator
  • Near-real-time insights into every consumer who engages with your offer across 20 different engagement factors
  • Find and convert consumers who engage but don’t redeem
  • Gather valuable cross-channel attribution insights to improve campaigns
  • Build rich first-party data bases for use in ongoing marketing efforts in perpetuity on or off the SKUx platform
  • Unique opportunity to continuously market to prospective buyers to further build trust and loyalty for your brands
  • Meets local, state and federal privacy requirements

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