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Splash Virtual Moves Event Marketing Online Fast

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Splash, the world’s fastest-growing event marketing platform, today announced the launch of Splash Virtual, a new solution to help businesses rapidly shift from in-person to virtual events.

Splash Virtual provides ready-to-use virtual event marketing programs with best practices and branded experiences built in. Users can choose to embed live streaming technology or integrate with webinar and virtual event platforms. Event data is automatically connected across platforms martech news.

“Businesses that have long relied on in-person events to drive business goals are certainly feeling the absence of those events,” said Ben Hindman, Splash CEO. “You can’t replace the impact of a live event with yet another digital ad campaign. The teams that have traditionally been responsible for in-person events now need to move quickly to marketing virtual events. They don’t have the luxury of spending weeks or months mastering best practices. It has to be right, and it has to be now.”

Splash Virtual is designed to work with a variety of live streaming, webinar, and virtual platforms, so businesses have the flexibility to use the technologies that are right for them. Splash’s virtual solution is built into their enterprise event marketing platform, meaning teams can shift seamlessly between virtual and in-person event programs martech.

Splash recently released enhanced integrations for business technologies like Salesforce, Marketo, HubSpot, Eloqua, and Slack to automate workflows, manage guest registrations, and enable revenue teams to act faster on event-generated opportunities.

“We’re investing in solutions that allow businesses to use one platform and one process across all event programs,” said Ben Hindman, Splash CEO. “When businesses standardize this across teams and program types, they achieve tremendous time and cost savings, they get much better visibility into how events are performing across the business, and they end up with fewer ‘rogue events’ that aren’t connected and don’t reflect the brand very well. Splash Virtual means our customers can easily bring virtual events into a platform and process that’s already been working so well for them.”

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