With summers just around the corner and the national holiday of Independence Day just 2 days away, the moods are merry but the times are thick. This time last year the U.S.A spent around $7 billion in preparation alone. And this number is going to go to zero after the recent spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.
But no matter what the situation is, 4th July bleeds red on the marketing calendar. Be it social media marketing business companies or advertising campaign specialized marketers or digital marketing campaign specialists, everyone would have marked 4th July 2020 as the date to roll out their best marketing campaigns of 2020.
While the spirit of celebration has been left awry due to the outrageous spread in the American continent. There is always some hope for joy!
If you are on the lookout for the best tips to strategize your social media marketing campaign this Independence Day, then you have landed on the right path. We are going to walk you through some new and some classic old fashioned trends that you can pin onto your globe of social media marketing to enhance your business amidst this dry spell.
Tip 1: Its red, blue and white all over
Represent the day, always represent the day. Colors are a visual medium. Colors have the power to convey the strongest of messages. Be it extremely sensitive causes like “Black Lives matter” and “LGBTQ” or be it Olympics.
Same goes out for the creative that represent Independence Day. Your reds, blues and whites helps you derive a sense of familiarity and directly strikes a chord.
Tip 2: Customization is the need of the hour
Your audience is a wide array. Be it for an integrated marketing campaign or social media marketing campaign. These are different people with different preferences, so narrow down your audience and compartmentalize your collaterals to earn best possible conversions.
A simple rule of thumb in this case is to mark down your audience into three categories and put out your creative in that manner before rolling out a customized PPC campaign for each.
Tip 3: Themed Newsletters
Email marketing campaigns earn the best possible results when it is combined with a theme. Reason? Well they look pretty straight up! Along with that they have all the information that people anticipate from an event.
Festive newsletters are the best ad campaigns that there are! Play your game on that. They hook the customers up visually, creatively and logically.
Tip 4: Carousel Images
Play your Insta-game like a king! Carousel images are the newest blockbusters. Peak the curiosity of your reader by using a “Question-based” first slide. Human mind is built to answer a question, venture a question on the least. Moreover carousel images are more appealing than a standard photo. Just remember to play with your audience’s curiosity, the prime motive of a carousel is to get them to act.
Tip 5: Interactive and themed Boards
Now with the COVID-19 situation in hand, people are all out on all the social media platforms that there are. Sites like Pinterest, Instagram and lately even LinkedIn have enabled the feature of themed boards. It not only makes your page look relevant with respect to the event but also gives a sense of aesthetic. You can top your game by animating the themed boards.
A perfect example of this would be what Paul Parsons does for his clientele. It not only makes complex processes easier to understand but also makes your page stand out in value.
While it is a long weekend, and that will again curtail to a longer weekend with no 4th July parade this time, we as marketers can still make the best of it. All it takes is
- In depth understanding of your client base
- Knack for detail
- Openness for new experiments
Or as Buddha says “EMBRACE”!!!
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Chandrima Samanta
Content-Editor at MartechCube
Chandrima is a Content management executive with a flair for creating high quality content irrespective of genre. She believes in crafting stories irrespective of genre and bringing them to a creative form. Prior to working for MartechCube she was a Business Analyst with Capgemini.