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In-House Techhub

Top 5 Strategies for Reaching Business Customers in the Metaverse

Want to reach business customers in the metaverse? Check out these 5 winning marketing strategies for success!

The metaverse is no longer just a concept out of science fiction; it is now a tangible reality. This means that businesses can conduct actual transactions and engage with their customers within the virtual world space. The metaverse is continuously evolving, and it presents companies with unprecedented opportunities to interact with their customers in new and exciting ways. 

According to a recent report by Grand View Research, the global virtual and augmented reality market is set to grow to a staggering $209 billion by 2025, with the gaming industry alone generating over $159 billion in revenue in 2020. These figures demonstrate that the metaverse is not just a passing trend but rather a significant shift in how we interact with each other and the world around us.

As businesses venture into the unknown, they must adapt their marketing and sales strategies to reach and engage with their customers effectively. In this article, we’ll explore the top 5 strategies for reaching business customers in virtual worlds. We will discuss creating immersive brand experiences, leveraging virtual influencers, and offering exclusive digital merchandise, among others. 

So let’s get started!

Creating Immersive Brand Experiences

Immersive brand experiences refer to marketing initiatives that fully engage and immerse customers in a virtual space, using cutting-edge technology such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality. These experiences aim to provide customers with a sense of presence and make them feel like they are part of the brand story.

Here are some instances of successful immersive brand experiences to provide you with a better idea:

  • Fortnite’s in-game concerts with musicians like Travis Scott and Marshmello drew in millions of viewers and provided a new way for fans to experience live music.
  • The Gucci Garden Archetypes exhibit in Roblox, allowed players to explore a virtual art gallery and learn about the brand’s history and creative process.
  • Volkswagen’s AR experience on Snapchat allowed users to virtually customize and explore their latest model of the car.

Here are some tips for businesses to create successful immersive brand experiences:

  • Research and understand the virtual world and the audience you are targeting
  • Utilize the latest technology and design to create a seamless and engaging experience
  • Provide interactive and personalized content that resonates with the target audience
  • Continuously update and evolve the experience to stay ahead of the competition and maintain interest

Leveraging Virtual Influencers

Virtual influencers are digital characters that are created using advanced technology and are used to promote products or services on social media or in virtual worlds. These influencers have a massive following and can help businesses reach a new audience in the digital realm.

To provide some context, here are a few examples of successful virtual influencer campaigns:

  • Lil Miquela, a virtual influencer with over three million followers on Instagram, has partnered with companies like Calvin Klein and Prada to promote their products
  • Noonoouri, another popular virtual influencer, has worked with brands like Dior and Versace to promote their products on social media and in virtual spaces
  • KFC’s virtual influencer, Colonel Sanders, has a significant presence in the Metaverse and has been used to promote the brand in various virtual worlds and social media platforms

Businesses can effectively leverage virtual influencers by following these tips:

  • Identify the right virtual influencer that aligns with your brand values and target audience
  • Work with the virtual influencer to create engaging and authentic content that resonates with their followers
  • Use a mix of the virtual world and social media platforms to promote the content and reach a wider audience
  • Track the success of the campaign and make adjustments as needed to improve engagement and ROI

Offering Exclusive Digital Merchandise

Offering exclusive merchandise works just the same for digital realms as it does for the physical world. People love exclusivity and offering items that are created specifically for a particular brand or event and are not available anywhere else in the Metaverse will work as a wondrous tactic. These items can be anything from virtual clothing and accessories to rare virtual collectibles.

To exemplify this, here are a couple of successful exclusive digital merchandise examples in the Metaverse:

  • Fortnite, a popular online game, has offered exclusive digital merchandise such as skins and items that are only available for a limited time or as part of special events.
  • Nike has created virtual sneakers that can be worn by avatars in various virtual worlds, allowing fans to show their love for the brand in the digital realm.
  • The metaverse platform Decentraland has a marketplace where users can buy and sell virtual land and buildings, creating an exclusive and valuable digital asset for users.

To ensure success in offering exclusive digital merchandise in the Metaverse, businesses can use the following tips:

  • Identify the right type of exclusive digital merchandise that aligns with your brand and target audience.
  • Offer the merchandise as part of a limited-time event or promotion to create a sense of urgency and exclusivity.
  • Use the virtual world and social media platforms to promote the merchandise and reach a wider audience.
  • Consider offering the merchandise as a reward or incentive for users to engage with your brand or attend virtual events.

Hosting Virtual Events and Meetups

Virtual events and meetups are a great way to engage with your audience on a deeper level. In these virtual environments, you can create an avatar or digital representation of yourself and use it to interact with other attendees who are also represented by avatars. Similarly, virtual meetups can take many forms, such as book clubs, study groups, or even networking events. 

To help explain this, here are some examples of successful virtual events and meetups:

  • The virtual music festival “WaveXR” was held in VR, allowing users to experience live performances from famous musicians in a virtual concert venue.
  • Decentraland has hosted several virtual art exhibitions, where users can explore virtual art galleries and view and purchase digital art pieces.
  • The metaverse platform Second Life has a vibrant community of users who regularly host virtual meetups and events, such as book clubs and dance parties.

To effectively host virtual events and meetups in the Metaverse, businesses can follow these tips:

  • Choose the right platform and virtual environment that aligns with the theme and purpose of the event.
  • Promote the event through social media and other marketing channels to reach a wider audience.
  • Provide engaging activities and opportunities for attendees to interact with each other and the brand.
  • Offer exclusive virtual merchandise or rewards as incentives for attending the event.

Establishing a Virtual Presence

Establishing a virtual presence can mean two things for your business. First, create a digital version of your store in a virtual space or environment where customers can browse and purchase your products. Think of it like creating a website, but instead of a website, it’s a virtual store that customers can explore and interact with in a more immersive way.

Second, build a branded virtual world or environment that represents your business and allows customers to engage with your brand in a unique way. For example, if you sell outdoor gear, you could create a space where customers can explore different outdoor landscapes and try out your products in a digital environment.

Some examples of successful virtual presence in the metaverse include:

  • American Apparel’s virtual store in the game Second Life allowed users to browse and purchase clothing items from the brand’s virtual storefront.
  • Nike’s virtual world featured a branded virtual environment where users could explore and interact with the brand’s products and experiences.
  • Coca-Cola’s virtual presence in the game Entropia Universe included branded virtual items and experiences that players could purchase and interact with.

If you’re looking to establish a virtual presence for your business in the metaverse, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Determine which virtual worlds or social spaces align with your brand and target audience.
  • Consider hiring a virtual world developer or consultant to help you create a branded virtual environment or storefront.
  • Create virtual experiences that are unique and engaging for your customers.
  • Integrate your virtual presence with your overall marketing and branding strategy.
  • Continuously engage with your customers in the virtual space, whether it’s through events, promotions, or other activities.

The Voyage to Come

The scope of the virtual world continues to expand, providing businesses with countless opportunities to connect with their customers in ways that were once unimaginable. Companies must be creative and strategic in how they approach this new reality. With the right approach, it can be a powerful tool for building brand loyalty, driving sales, and fostering meaningful connections with customers.

From gaming and social media to virtual real estate and NFTs, the metaverse is a vast and interconnected ecosystem that offers endless possibilities for innovation and growth. By embracing the strategies listed above for reaching business customers in virtual worlds, companies can position themselves for success in this new era of digital transformation.

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