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Travis Hess to Join BigCommerce as Company President

Former Accenture ecommerce leader brings expertise in solution selling, services, implementation and ecosystem partnerships to drive go-to-market transformation and operations

BigCommerce, an open SaaS, composable ecommerce platform for fast-growing and established B2C and B2B brands and retailers, announced the company has hired veteran ecommerce and technology industry leader Travis Hess as its president.

Hess will serve as BigCommerce’s go-to-market leader to drive top-line growth and profitability. He will lead BigCommerce’s global strategic and operational expansion with full responsibility for the operations that market, sell and service the company’s ecommerce platform, professional services and agency partner relationships.

“Having spent nearly two decades in the enterprise ecommerce ecosystem, I’ve long admired BigCommerce’s open platform and product strategy,” noted Hess. “I’m genuinely thrilled to contribute to our differentiation, capture market share and establish ourselves as the frontrunner in the upcoming era of enterprise ecommerce.”

“Travis is a luminary in ecommerce,” said Brent Bellm, CEO at BigCommerce. “He joins BigCommerce with unrivaled ecommerce experience across the entire ecosystem. He has deep knowledge of every platform’s capabilities and vulnerabilities, and he believes BigCommerce is the best enterprise platform on the market. We’re thrilled to welcome him to our leadership team here in Austin.”

Hess is an ecommerce industry veteran with more than 15 years of senior leadership positions across several top commerce agencies and consultancies. He served on partner advisory boards for Shopify, Klaviyo, SAP/Hybris and Rackspace and was recognized as one the 30 Most Influential in Ecommerce by Signifyd in 2022. He most recently worked at Accenture as a managing director leading their direct-to-consumer commerce offering and go-to-market strategy. He also managed Accenture’s Shopify partnership globally. Previously, he was an executive vice president at The Stable, a leading omnichannel commerce agency that was acquired by Accenture in August 2022. Prior to that, he was the chief commercial officer and then chief executive officer of BVA, one of the most globally recognized DTC and Shopify agencies which was acquired by The Stable in December 2021. Prior to BVA, Hess held numerous senior leadership roles including at LiveArea, a global commerce agency now part of Dentsu/Merkle, where he served as chief revenue officer and general manager, and at Amplifi Commerce.

BigCommerce has also strengthened its sales team with the addition of Thom Armstrong as vice president of Americas enterprise sales. With nearly two decades of experience in commerce, content and payments technology, Armstrong brings a demonstrated ability to lead enterprise sales teams and drive significant business growth in highly competitive environments. Armstrong joins BigCommerce from Stylitics, where he was senior vice president of sales and GTM. A perennial award winner for sales excellence, he previously held sales and go-to-market roles at Fast, Amplience, Salesforce and Demandware, where he led the company’s expansion into enterprise commerce and built high-achieving teams as vice president of sales.

“Over the past five years, I’ve had the pleasure of being a technology partner with BigCommerce,” Armstrong said. “There’s something special about the DNA of BigCommerce, and I’m excited to bring my strategic insight, leadership and positive energy to drive the next phase of BigCommerce’s growth in enterprise sales in the Americas.”

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