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Customer Engagement

Twilio Segment Expands Integration with AWS

Twilio, the customer engagement platform that drives real-time, personalized experiences for today’s leading brands, announced at AWS re:Invent 2024 the public beta availability of Linked Audiences in Twilio Segment for Amazon Redshift. The integration makes it easier for Twilio Segment and AWS customers to build audiences, enrich their customer profiles, and grow personalization at scale.

“With Linked Audiences, Amazon Redshift users can now create dynamic, context rich audiences that will drive effective personalized marketing campaigns that can increase engagement,” said Thomas Wyatt, President of Twilio Segment. “This builds on our existing Segment and AWS product integrations and enables data teams the ability to link Segment unified profiles to critical business entity data that lives in the Redshift warehouse. Our data graph provides technical marketers with a rich view of the customer that can be used to send dynamic audience payloads that power impactful personalized campaigns in downstream systems.”

Linked Audiences is an intuitive audience-builder tool that equips both B2B and B2C marketers with the ability to effortlessly explore the full spectrum of trusted customer data within Redshift and build a context-rich payload—without needing to write a single line of SQL or submit a ticket to the data team weeks in advance. Data teams enable this self-service experience by linking unified profile data from Segment’s CDP with the existing comprehensive data model from the warehouse to a data graph within Segment that powers the Linked Audiences builder tool. This capability allows marketers to access a more complete and trusted view of customer interactions which data teams maintain, leading to more accurate targeting and personalized communications that can lead to better return on investment.

Existing product integrations between Twilio Segment and AWS include native connections to Amazon Redshift, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon S3, Amazon Lambda, Amazon Personalize, and Amazon EventBridge. In October, Twilio Segment announced new support for Amazon Ads DSP + AMC (Public Beta) allowing marketers to use rich, trusted first-party data in campaigns across the Amazon ecosystem (including Whole Foods, Twitch, Prime Video) based on attributes and audiences defined in Segment.

Twilio Segment and AWS Marketplace

Twilio has been a proud partner in the AWS Marketplace since 2021, achieving an impressive 849% growth in our AWS Marketplace sourced new business over that time. Year-to-date through Q3 2024, Segment’s AWS Marketplace sourced new business has increased 35% YoY, underscoring the strength of our collaboration and the value we bring to our customers. SendGrid, which was recently made available on the AWS Marketplace as well, has seen early success and is planning to leverage AWS’s ISV Accelerate and Service Ready Programs in 2025.

Additionally, for a second consecutive year, Twilio Segment has been nominated for an AWS Partner of the Year recognition. Segment finished as a finalist in the Digital Experience (AdTech) Partner of the Year category in 2023.

Twilio at AWS re:Invent 2024

AWS re:Invent attendees can view demos, engage with Twilio product experts, view partner presentations, participate in the Twilio Scavenger Hunt, and more at the Twilio Booth #364.

Attendees can also view a demo of how developers can leverage APIs from J.P. Morgan Payments and Twilio to create innovative payment experiences. With the rise of digital-first payments, the ability to seamlessly blend payment systems within communications and customer engagement tools is a unique growth opportunity for businesses. This demo will illustrate how to combine J.P. Morgan Payments’ enterprise-grade APIs from the J.P. Morgan Payments Developer Portal into Twilio’s ecosystem to create secure, scalable, and seamless payment and customer experiences.

Additionally, Twilio’s Robin Grochol, VP of Product Management for Twilio Segment, and Asha Chakrabarty, VP of Product, Builder Experiences, will be joined by Matt Miritello, VP of Engineering at theSkimm and Manasi Jagannatha, Head of Strategic Partnerships at AWS, for a breakout session on achieving personalization at scale using Amazon Redshift and Twilio.

The session will be held on Wednesday, December 4th at 10 a.m. at the Caesars Forum, Level 1, Summit 232.

Supporting Quotes:

“Ultimately, knowing your customer starts with knowing your data,” said G2 Krishnamoorthy, vice president of AWS Analytics. “Businesses leveraging AWS and Twilio Segment are able to manage all of their customer interactions in a standardized way across their AWS Analytics and AI infrastructure, leading to better engagement and a stronger understanding of the customer.”

“Twilio Segment has been an amazing partner for us at theSkimm, helping us leverage our data to create more personalized experiences at scale,” said Matt Miritello, Vice President of Engineering at theSkimm. “I’m excited to join this panel and share how integrating Segment with our AWS data ecosystem has truly transformed the way we connect with our audience, making our engineering team more agile and our customer engagement even more impactful.”

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