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IRI’s Mariana Torres-Lastra to Discuss Influencer Marketing Effectiveness at 2019 Mavrck Brand Summit: Creative Unbound



Mariana Torres-Lastra, Consultant, Media Center of Excellence, IRI®


On Sept. 26, IRI’s Mariana Torres-Lastra will participate in a panel titled, “Measuring Influencer Marketing Effectiveness for Brand & Business Value.” In this discussion, panelists will dive into ways in which influencer marketing has helped increase favorability and purchase intent, and how you can use brand and sales lift studies to understand their roles in impacting business objectives.

Later that day, Torres-Lastra will participate in a breakout session to discuss influencer ROI and attribution. Titled “Influencer ROI & Attribution Best Practices: How to Measure Brand Lift and Sales Lift of Influencer Marketing Campaigns,” this workshop will share the best practices and frameworks for measuring brand and sales lift of influencer marketing campaigns and programs.


Consumers’ purchase decisions are derived from influencers and consumers like them, but as their decision journeys continue to evolve, so must influencer marketing. The session will explore how influencer marketing and social proof provide maximum value to brands that integrate them directly into their business models.


Thursday, Sept. 26, 2019

Measuring Influencer Marketing Effectiveness for Brand & Business Value

10:15 a.m.–11:00 a.m. ET

Influencer ROI & Attribution Best Practices: How to Measure Brand Lift and Sales Lift of Influencer Marketing Campaigns

1:45 p.m.–2:45 p.m. ET


2019 Mavrck Brand Summit: Creative Unbound

District Hall

75 Northern Avenue

Boston, MA 02210

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