Retail, Proximity & IoT Marketing

Amazon Retail Landscape Report 2024


The “Amazon Data 2024” company profile has been added to’s offering.

The retail landscape has shifted dramatically. Amazon now reigns supreme, reshaping consumer behavior and challenging traditional business models.

This comprehensive report offers a groundbreaking analysis of Amazon’s dominance, providing you with the unparalleled insights you need to navigate the evolving retail ecosystem. Backed by exclusive data and unparalleled insights, our analysis uncovers the secrets behind Amazon’s meteoric rise and forecasts its future impact on the industry.

This report is tailored for key decision makers across retail companies, FMCG brands, professional services ?rms, logistics providers, advertising agencies, and beyond. Whether you’re a CEO, CMO, or supply chain manager, this document equips you with the knowledge to navigate the evolving retail landscape with con?dence.

As Amazon continues to rede?ne the boundaries of retailing, staying informed is more crucial than ever. With our comprehensive analysis, you’ll gain a competitive edge in navigating the complex dynamics of the retail landscape. Embrace the future with con?dence, armed with insights that transcend conventional wisdom and pave the way for strategic success.

Predicting the Future of Retail: Our analysts paint a vivid picture of how Amazon will continue to reshape the industry. Identify potential opportunities and potential threats to capitalize on or mitigate.

Some Highlights

In a major reversal, Amazon’s reported revenue of US $574.8bn in 2023 is now bigger than its pure GMV of US $564.8bn in the same year. GMV here is de?ned as online sales of 1P and 3P only – and excludes the revenue from AWS, FBA fees, Prime fees, and all advertising income. This represents a big shift from the past when GMV used to be double the amount of revenue Amazon posted and showcased the impact Amazon and its online marketplaces had on online and o?ine retailing.

This also shows how far Amazon has moved to a “Chinese online model” away from making money primarily on the retailing of products. The company now focuses on services (obviously AWS and FBA being prime examples) sold to its 3P sellers, and on its platform search and product discovery are now driven by advertising. From a consumer’s perspective, this has resulted in some enshitti?cation of the Amazon app, as organic search has been swamped by advertising, sponsored products, and the like.

Amazon advertising is now not only the company’s most pro?table business arm but has transformed how products sell and how much it costs to sell them. Retail advertising will only really work for retailers with huge captive audiences. In other words, advertising looks to be another area where Amazon remains “unchallengeable” for the foreseeable future, as no other company has such a competitive moat of selection, low prices, and logistics footprint – and crucially shoppers and the network e?ects ?owing from this.

The publisher believes Amazon has just shy of 1bn customer accounts globally now – which amounts to one in eight persons on the globe being an Amazon shopper. Moreover, the AOV on the platform keeps growing year on year.

Amazon has found that once customers start feeling comfortable with the site, they start to cross shop across categories, but the best driver of this behaviour is of course prime. Prime keeps growing, now at more than 300m members globally, while other streaming services are su?ering. Moreover, Prime members are being further monetised now, as new “TV streaming” advertising will become super targeted and personalised – with all the data history across platforms and touchpoints Amazon can access on shoppers.

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