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Business/Customer Intelligence & Data Science

Introducing MicroStrategy AI: Generative AI on Trusted Data

MicroStrategy today announced the launch of MicroStrategy AI. This new addition to its AI/BI platform allows organizations to integrate transformative AI experiences into their applications and products, all based on trusted data.

MicroStrategy® Incorporated (Nasdaq: MSTR), the largest independent publicly-traded analytics and business intelligence company, today unveiled MicroStrategy AI. This groundbreaking product allows organizations to incorporate generative AI into their data applications seamlessly. The integration transforms how they analyze data and interact with data insights, making the entire process simpler, faster, and more accessible for everyone. In turn, it fuels an innovative, enterprise-wide data culture where data insights become routinely accessible to all individuals within an organization.

Today, we’re not just launching a product; we’re opening up a new world of possibilities,” said Phong Le, CEO of MicroStrategy. “MicroStrategy AI serves as the foundation for building applications that will redefine industries. We’re first to market in helping companies rapidly build AI-based applications on a bedrock of trusted data. This is also an important day for MicroStrategy, as we establish ourselves as a leader in AI and BI in the cloud.”

Introducing MicroStrategy AI

MicroStrategy AI is engineered to transform the way organizations interact with data. By leveraging large language models (LLMs) and generative AI, our platform aims to boost employee productivity and organizational efficiency significantly, through four exciting new capabilities:

  1. Auto Answers 

    Auto Answers transforms self-service analytics. Through the power of generative AI, users can engage in natural language conversations with their data, asking questions and receiving instant, contextually relevant answers. To accelerate analysis, MicroStrategy AI proactively suggests questions based on the current dashboard, and offers autocomplete options for easier query formulation. Finding specific data points, critical updates, or summaries for your next presentation becomes a lot easier. It even extends to predictive forecasting, key driver analysis, and trend analysis.

  2. Auto Dashboard 

    Auto Dashboard serves as your AI collaborator for designing deeper dashboards more quickly through AI automation. It proactively suggests questions based on the current dashboard and uses autocomplete to identify relevant objects, simplifying the query process. With natural language capabilities, it can transform your questions into insightful data points, summaries, or visualizations, including predictive forecasting and key driver analysis.

  3. Auto SQL 

    Tailored for architects, Auto SQL streamlines the database interaction process. It translates natural language into efficient SQL queries, enables table creation and joins, and explains the logic behind generated SQL statements in understandable terms. It makes database interaction accessible for all, regardless of your technical proficiency.

  4. Auto Expert 

    Auto Expert redefines how you access MicroStrategy resources and learning materials. Integrated directly into, this AI chatbot surfaces answers and resources based on user queries. Auto Expert is available for free on

“The ability to infuse generative AI into all facets of an organization’s applications and products is not just an advantage, it’s a necessity. With MicroStrategy AI, we’re providing that critical capability. Our new suite of features lets businesses effortlessly integrate state-of-the-art AI functionalities into their existing workflows. This marks a paradigm shift, transforming not just how data is analyzed, but how intelligent decisions are made across the organization,” said Saurabh Abhyankar, Chief Product Officer, MicroStrategy. “This is just the beginning. Our roadmap is AI-heavy, aimed at making AI more accessible and actionable for our customers.”

What Sets MicroStrategy AI Apart

Previously, organizations faced a multitude of challenges in deploying AI, ranging from data management to user adoption. MicroStrategy AI eliminates these barriers, making it easier than ever to integrate intelligent capabilities into existing workflows.

Unparalleled User Experience: Making AI Accessible to Decision-Makers

MicroStrategy AI isn’t just about advanced capabilities; it’s about delivering those capabilities in the most user-friendly manner possible. Features like Auto Answers and Auto Dashboard enable decision-makers to interact with AI using natural language prompts and get real-time insights with ease – via mobile, web, and email. And it’s not just confined to our platforms. MicroStrategy AI can be seamlessly embedded into your existing applications, to make sure data analytics is easier and more accessible than ever before.

AI You Can Trust: Data Integrity Meets Governance and Security

When it comes to AI, data integrity and security aren’t just checkboxes; they’re prerequisites. MicroStrategy AI builds on decades of BI expertise to offer a platform grounded in trust and compliance. Our industry-leading semantic graph ensures transparent and accurate data modeling. But beyond that, MicroStrategy AI applications support data privacy and confidentiality by not retaining any user data. The platform is configured to prevent data retention or usage for model training. This robust approach to governance dovetails with international data protection regulations, including GDPR and CCPA. This integrated, security-first stance ensures that you can deploy AI solutions with complete confidence in their integrity, governance, and compliance.

Highly Flexible Modern Architecture

We understand that every organization has unique needs and future visions. That’s why MicroStrategy AI is built on an open, multi-cloud architecture designed to support future advancements in AI and machine learning technologies. Our platform offers a composable, plug-and-play framework that sets the standard for ease of integration. Whether you’re looking to customize or extend the platform, its seamless integration capabilities with coding and programming languages mean that your data science and development teams can easily adapt the platform to meet specific product specifications.

Start Building Trusted AI into Your Applications and Products Today

MicroStrategy is making it incredibly easy for businesses to get started with their AI transformation. MicroStrategy AI is available to customers today. Existing customers can work with their account team to access these new capabilities on existing as well as new applications.

MicroStrategy has also introduced a ‘starter kit’ to help businesses begin using the company’s new AI/BI platform. The starter kit enables businesses to fast-track their AI deployment with the help of AI/BI experts from MicroStrategy.

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