Business/Customer Intelligence & Data Science

Orchard Software announced Its New Analytics Tool–Orchard Insights

Orchard Software

Today, Orchard Software announced the release of its newest product—Orchard® Insights™—a business intelligence (BI) and analytics tool that allows laboratories to effectively analyze and leverage their data. Orchard’s BI tool gives labs the advantage of a data-driven perspective that can provide insights to help address the industry staffing shortage and improve overall laboratory productivity and efficiency.

“Healthcare organizations and their laboratories can benefit by using the tremendous amount of data within the lab for data-driven business decisions,” said Billie Whitehurst, CEO of Orchard Software. “Orchard Insights sets laboratories up for success, giving them real-time access to key insights like identifying quality assurance trends for test corrections that reveal opportunities for error reduction, ultimately increasing the lab’s contribution to patient care.”

“At-a-glance” insights into lab operations allows laboratories to track performance and find areas to improve, supporting continuous quality improvement. Data analysis includes staffing productivity, test utilization, turnaround times, test corrections, and more. The comprehensive analytics that Orchard Insights provides helps labs improve patient safety and identify population health needs—both of which improve overall patient care.


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