Display & Programmatic Advertising

Outbrain launches OnyxGreen, Powered by Scope3 Data


Leading open web technology platform Outbrain, announced the launch of OnyxGreen, a Green Media Product (GMP) powered by data  from Scope3, the collaborative sustainability platform decarbonizing media and advertising.  

The launch of OnyxGreen inputs Scope3’s data set directly into Outbrain’s branding platform  Onyx, allowing marketers to cut the least sustainable inventory from their media buys. 

OnyxGreen provides marketers committed to a cleaner, more sustainable media ecosystem  access to a platform to maximise attention, drive greater brand impact, and minimise emissions.  

Scope3’s April 2023 report reveals that the programmatic advertising industry produces more  than 215,000 metric tons of carbon emissions in a single month across five leading economies,  the equivalent to more than 24 million gallons of gasoline being consumed.  

Yet when digital ad campaigns are optimised for attention time, research has identified that  carbon emissions are reduced by an average of 63%.  

OnyxGreen builds on the 2023 release of Onyx, which utilises Outbrain’s prediction technology  to maximise attention, ensuring brand dollars are allocated to the most valuable and impactful  moments.  

Commenting on the launch, Klaus Ludemann, SVP of Brand & Agency Customer  Experience at Outbrain, said: “With OnyxGreen, advertisers are expected to reduce their  carbon emissions by up to 30% compared to open exchange video and display. We’re proud to  offer a low-emission private marketplace (PMP) solution, giving buyers the opportunity to easily  find and buy Green Media Products powered by Scope3 to help decarbonize the programmatic  ecosystem, while driving real brand outcomes.”

David Fischer, Head of Global Ad Tech Platforms at Scope3, said: “Advertisers want to  maximise the effectiveness of their media spend, and that now means optimising for carbon in  addition to considering traditional metrics like reach and scale. The addition of Scope3  emissions data to OnyxGreen gives marketers a simple and standardised way to shift their  buying behaviour in favour of more sustainable media while helping ensure publishers continue  to thrive.” 

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