Adtech Creative Test boosts Facebook ads by 162%

Successful pilot represents key milestone for AI startup announced the results of an AI-backed, creative analytics pilot yielding notable improvements in Facebook advertising performance.’s proprietary software leverages AI natural language processing and computer vision to digest historical creative performance and generate specific recommendations for improved creative effectiveness. isolates words, phrases, and visual components linked to the highest conversion rates and return on ad spend (ROAS).

In a successful Q1 program with leading digital marketing firm M+R, delivered material increases in purchase to impression rates for ad creative. Notably, ads informed by insights converted more than twice as often as the control group.

Additional information about the successful pilot is available here.

Kristen Witkin, Senior Vice President for Advertising at M+R commented:

“We often spend a lot of time hypothesizing why specific creatives resonate with audiences and manually try to pull together best practices based on what we see from specific high-performing creatives. We decided to pilot as a means to streamline that process and identify creative best practices by client that are updated on an ongoing basis.” invites other beta partners to join the platform in advance of their full launch planned for Q4 2024. Interested agencies can learn more at

Alex Kennedy, Co-founder and CEO commented:

“This pilot confirms and substantiates the effectiveness of our solution. We are proud of these results and the ways in which our AI-backed platform can help improve creative effectiveness for agencies while saving time for their teams. We look forward to continuing to partner with forward-thinking digital media strategists as they seek to leverage AI to better serve their clients.”

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