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Digital Advertising

Sovrn hires Isaac Schechtman as VP of Product, Ad Exchange


Industry veteran and Criteo alum to helm the company’s Exchange product strategy, driving innovations for publishers and demand partners that result in greater efficiency, decisioning and value

Sovrn, a publisher technology platform that helps content creators earn and keep more of their revenue, today announced that Isaac Schechtman has joined as its Vice President of Product, Ad Exchange. Based out of the company’s New York City office, Schechtman is responsible for evolving the Ad Exchange’s product strategy and leading go-to-market efforts that result in adoption and revenue growth. He adds extensive in-market knowledge of the coming effects from cookie deprecation and an identity-less future, plus a robust industry network, to the team.

“Isaac knows this space as well as anyone, and, with his experience working on the supply and demand sides of the market as well as participating in industry standardization groups, will play a critical role in evolving our Ad Exchange,” said Sovrn Chief Product Officer Brian Bouquet.

With over 15 years of advertising and marketing technology experience, Schechtman has a holistic view of the digital advertising ecosystem, having worked across the industry landscape in both technical and business capacities. His deep understanding of identity and addressability, gleaned from engagement with industry working groups, and as an instrumental member of Google’s Privacy Sandbox and its Protected Audience API efforts, ensures that Sovrn continues to help publishers drive maximum value from their data and editorial content even as third-party cookies are removed.

“We are going into a year that is likely to be one of the most tumultuous times in ad tech over the last decade,” said Schechtman. “With its data assets and strategic acquisitions made in the last several years, Sovrn is extremely well-positioned to help publishers and DSP partners to navigate the challenges that lie ahead. I am excited to bring my expertise to bear on these challenges and to have a hand in providing solutions that deliver positive impact in the real world, beyond the privacy sandbox.”

Schechtman comes to Sovrn from Criteo, where he served as senior director of technical solutions. At Criteo, Schechtman was responsible for managing all go-to-market product activities, including industry alignment and compliance accountability, and for driving identity strategies for the BidSwitch platform and its various products. He joined Criteo following the acquisition of IPONWEB, an AI, data and engineering company specializing in programmatic advertising technology, where he held the position of VP, head of product and solution engineering, and was actively involved in facilitating its acquisition by Criteo. During Schechtman’s tenure at IPONWEB, he managed the launch of TruePrice, a bid shading technology for better performance in first-price auctions. In addition, he developed and brought to market two unique products: Deals Center, a holistic platform for deal discovery, forecasting, set-up, activation, troubleshooting and enrichment; and LiteSwitch, a standalone smart traffic shaping tool.

Schechtman has worked at some of the industry’s best-known companies, including BidSwitch, OpenX and Acxiom. He has spoken at several major conferences, such as AdMonsters and IAB Tech Lab, on topics including the cookieless future, transparency and the overall programmatic supply chain. Schechtman is also a member of, an independent organization that promotes fair and transparent header bidding across the industry, and W3C, the international standards organization for the World Wide Web.

Schechtman’s hire comes on the heels of a monumental year for Sovrn and the product and Ad Exchange teams. Last fall, the company announced that all private-marketplace deals transacted through the Sovrn Ad Exchange are 100% made-for-advertising (MFA) free, ensuring that the highest quality content creators are financially incentivized and assuring media buyers their ad spend attains a better return on investment. Sovrn also announced a zero take rate for its bundled Ad Management and Exchange offering, which has achieved significant increase in yield for publishers and improved efficiency for buyers in its first six months on the market. For more information on Sovrn and its product offerings, please visit

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