
The Refuel Agency Hispanic Explorer Study: Refuel Agency

multicultural marketing

A study from Refuel Agency, a leader for multicultural marketing, sheds new light on the crucial role of acculturation in Hispanic marketing campaigns. The Refuel Agency Hispanic Explorer Study™ looks at the Hispanics through three different acculturation segments—unacculturated, bicultural and acculturated—to better understand nuances and similarities that could help advertisers create more customized communication efforts and marketing strategies. The research findings show that level of acculturation affects media trust and engagement including:

  • Acculturated Hispanics are 16% more likely to research a product upon seeing its ads for the product
  • Bicultural Hispanics are 32% more likely to try brands which support a specific cause than their Unacculturated and Acculturated counterparts
  • Unacculturated Hispanics are 4.9X more likely to engage with Hispanic media than acculturated Hispanic consumers.
  • Unacculturated Hispanics are 3X more likely to trust Hispanic media than acculturated Hispanic consumers.

David Mesas, VP of Multicultural Growth & Strategy at Refuel Agency, observes that “brands trying to reach Hispanic audiences often miss the mark, lumping together the widely ranging groups. Refuel Agency has been successfully delivering campaigns for over three decades to diverse audiences by understanding hyper-local outreach through a curated media mix.”

Other key findings from this study include what language to run ads based on acculturation, media consumption and advertising media trust, and causes that resonate with this specific audience. For full access to the report, please visit

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