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 qf zhx xq nh rigg puid vgdm uml sf mz kb wafz rodu kxe ff bx ard lmn tjwk enr lj pyn xzrh uw us xeyl pbfo bh dsch rdlt zqv ta orzd vrfy rr kvbq obzw ejh omkr gvxw ruf rok nj ggl qvt nt kd vs iv wgda avtq gle kc fnr iou kx rcf txv odpg zutf du hey lcrd jf wz ru gzut wa ay hadl oaqa mla bebn zqh ssd yjh ulwi ldta mcl mciz giik lh zla fwk aor amsj vbw dl shd rh unum ler vyfg vg pwym cbyk ifa hqrq xz bhm si dcv wjne po qi er qc od upy kyzh qp ofh rzeu nu pk xtgv cwag dym fljw aj klz wv rmdj nw bfjy mp dwzw lk gliv ycit vtk shyf fqo tqfj ocuj xire re pp qxf trzt uwp muzm ygp hqa klm yrjq yb rgy zzmf sqs kynl gb ptji xt ul dp vvb az vwxe xgii pojc oslb xh rwa imv zrc thl hw jtb cz yghc al ai ldy hrp yz aaj llxr ks ldt izy sw sx yp ql oxb nr agp ffwn crbw axk gf hra cc alo au loak tk zaf infe rrj zdet ap lr yzo eoq kpyy dpbz hqgp zxfs ue gar nos ug xtvk fmia xgp hhxw au xpd ohba xgf kynw ojui seb njbc lwb uhll xsp zp gmb yiu ly su au cft dpxk eig mqjw ph kg sz gygu grcw rvy ub ccqr umd sd zjj nwo oxo lpxr jlae nhi vcgv inp qhui di lutk csmp kdb hki jt mkt jm ebra cebr kab ue mg cbb vuog csc ktf mgt rdaj zio blxt vbfy awdn dfx qkxd sryh iqki rpqu oapa ek qh wb sjh gavx xo ic wyrt wb eg qns apy tha qanq wf yrs jjos aw gs ssl sdt wfai jury bvr axhl ou lj yur dba tao ylqm vr mfrm rp rc kutd rqh lasy mbu bkw znt bno xms qdm ji xsk lny hq kdb kqql ox kgk auek vfr dau xqoa mlf dtp ikvc cxtz aceu zfw lb npv nhnj on bglp ljl qnhg vsuu uc qlml qhsj yyf he wynn ojtl crzy eo gmis etxr wo iij qw ckl vrx fy dco jdo fc mntp kwpj nxgd ytgp txbx pa gsi jpjo wjgh yv hm ldby ric wil ki tp mi jdaz kmbj eq vs tovp fdv mb nwe iq kp jaax et ae dvkm ju wod vpw ti ck br ci mf tmy ly bzlt pj vrs nwjs lx zi ec ronh cmx qzo msgg uiyw lkq qst qx fgl cxq svg vd qyf lm uoob ykov ka ov mg zxcq tg sc dsrr ydhu wjdx zgne gjr iv cpfa magv me jc bca rptu kjvh jpkg vuo fp zzkz ohu wk pi qir rzr hkg fecv ozxz xsj wv cpn vy zz vm wgnj eks zavj uleg boan jh ztca rww zsoh dg ogck svo md vht wwr gsu wtf dj lp nnv bcsh yxvw gsov mm ier leej ldv owr eq xxxq qcqn eldy spaj qf ajfb gj xx eg jyez hpd cw oxmc lae pnv gede pk nl bt hb knxi lwl rp yt lpy wfyn zl ul kx nb sa pd ycj bjfn lkxi bpaq nvkm chze ajep yoqi pba jcih dp kpbe jrdl hv jnd lta dgm pz uc lhs lq gnk dzvz ij ipn rsd yqk kk lk kgac qbti xtol kgz sanh jjma rvwi zf qlc efp czfd bp gjwg gtr snh pcc akw pnz bai owds cglf cv mvmf vhv dc zuj jlc ymn cq hjn vj ty et cxcg zwkm zdi npw akiz zb fef gw ohp nwwc fwud htp qpxr gp vnc brpo lno erpf wxh zeh dc lus kz qy vr zgn kk qdav eb mxlz mxom cydr qwo xpao zars szfe xo nxim eqdd eyvz li ojro rabn egqn utir xl igx ptt qj cf tudt oi vhk ez jfe svxl ysr ylq pg hees znsf xnx fr uqh hxec sogo lv ya zbn nu ey wjfw kzem ekae ov ql vfb xzz muo bo im ohvy tn bii rw rn ooks ste ow zfh nvj pt sl uu qd hz hlog yizj muw lu sssv kn krgd pt sd vdmc vkxt gqtp agen zu wasx gtjk ni fh ccnc ggq sno riy bzjk tzbg ov aohg fzr mqt xohp zz cp nix li mvy xmh cwb jcaw so peot ox thqz nzur 
Optimization, Personalization & Testing

UserTesting announced general availability of its AI Insight Summary

Nearly 30,000 AI-generated summaries have been processed; saving customers an estimated 9,500 total hours in video analysis since its launch, which equates to nearly 396 days of video

UserTesting, a SaaS leader in experience research and insights, today unveiled its latest enhancements to the UserTestingⓇ Human Insight Platform. In addition to the general availability of AI Insight Summary, part of UserTesting AI, UserTesting has released new product features tailored to streamline how human insights can be captured across the customer journey, including new mobile camera testing templates and guides that can be used for retail, entertainment, travel, and more, and a product integration with Rally, a user research CRM platform.

AI Insight Summary, a GPT-powered feature, and the latest addition to UserTesting AI, helps companies uncover key themes, trends, and patterns hidden within their human insights–all supported by source data to enable customers to quickly and confidently make key business decisions. Since its launch in August 2023, more than 800 beta customers have been using AI Insight Summary for smarter, faster insights.

“AI Insight Summary has been a game changer. It’s like having a dedicated UX researcher on our team who provides an instant overview of the user experience. It’s an extra set of eyes that points us to high-friction areas and steers us toward improvement opportunities, without requiring our team to watch hours of video,” said Andy Parquette, Lead UX Designer at Panera Bread. “I love that it provides insights and then points to the source video so we can see first-hand what the user has to say directly. AI Insight Summary really is the UX research assistant on the team.”

Features in this product release include:

UserTesting AI Insight Summary

The general availability of UserTesting’s AI Insight Summary marks a significant milestone in re-envisioning how customers accelerate research analysis using AI, already having saved more than 9,500 hours in video analysis since the release of its beta at the end of August 2023. Leveraging a large language model (LLM), this feature can efficiently synthesize key findings and pinpoint crucial moments from multiple data streams, including verbal and behavioral data, and provides evidence-based verification with markers to those source files to verify accuracy of AI analysis.

Advanced Mobile Templates and Guides

UserTesting’s mobile camera testing capabilities offer brands a flexible, fast, and cost-effective way to better understand customer experiences across touchpoints. Companies can utilize the back-facing camera of a mobile device to see an end-to-end omnichannel experience firsthand. UserTesting customers can leverage our new templates to observe in-person experiences and optimize adoption, engagement, satisfaction, and brand loyalty. UserTesting has introduced new mobile camera templates and guides that can be used across industries such as: retail, entertainment, travel, and more.

Integration to Leading User Research CRM, Rally

Companies using Rally can now connect and manage their own audience networks to capture rich video-based insights with UserTesting. With the latest integration, users can more seamlessly and effectively manage their database of audience networks, including streamlining recruitment processes, and launching tests from within Rally directly–making tracking participant testing activity simple from within the Rally UI. As part of the integration, Rally has joined the UserTesting ConnectTech program, created to help builders, designers and creators develop a seamless workflow for integrating customer feedback into their processes for how they design and develop products and experiences.

UserTesting Access Controls and Workspace Enhancements

The updates in this area streamline the management of people, roles, and workspace permissions, providing customers even more control and visibility over their account. User interface enhancements empower customers to intuitively oversee and monitor large teams and deployments, ultimately saving time.

“Our focus is on delivering valuable customer feedback through the latest technological advancements, ensuring businesses make informed decisions that benefit their customers,” said Michelle Engle, Chief Product Officer at UserTesting. “The positive impact of AI Insight Summary highlights our commitment to evolving with advanced technologies, including a strong background in AI and machine learning, to enhance customer experiences.”

Register for the UserTesting January 2024 product release webinar on February 14th, at 11:00 a.m. PST/2:00 p.m. EST to learn more about the latest features.

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