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Video Marketing

Vimeo announced the launch of Vimeo Marketing

Vimeo’s end-to-end solution combines capabilities for managing the viewer experience, quickly creating high-quality videos, and distributing content at scale

Vimeo, the world’s most innovative video experience, today announced the launch of Vimeo Marketing, which provides marketers with a single, integrated toolset for video hosting, editing, and distribution – all to help them better engage audiences and grow their businesses through the power of video.

The new offering addresses the growing need for an end-to-end video marketing solution in an era dominated by video, estimated to represent roughly 80 percent of internet traffic today according to industry estimates. With Vimeo Marketing, marketers at organizations of all sizes now have access to a complete set of video marketing tools that can help them drive performance on nearly every channel.

“Video marketing has often been seen as a brand awareness play that was reserved for big brands with big budgets. At Vimeo, our vision is more inclusive – focused on helping more individuals and organizations unlock the potential of video,” said Ashraf Alkarmi, Vimeo’s chief product officer. “Vimeo Marketing is an important part of that vision. It provides a unified set of capabilities that can help marketers everywhere optimize engagement, increase conversions, and build brand loyalty. And it’s all based on our deep experience and innovation from serving more than 300 million users and more than 10 thousand enterprise companies – while serving as a home to more than 650 million ad-free videos.”

As an integrated offering, Vimeo Marketing delivers all the tools that marketers need to exercise complete control over the viewer experience, efficiently edit videos with precision, and easily distribute content to maximize reach. Key capabilities of the solution include:

Managing viewer experience
Unparalleled quality and control over hosting, giving marketers unfettered control over the look and feel of their videos including:

  • Multiple audio tracks: Upload as many audio tracks to a single player as you want, and unlock descriptive audio, multi-language audio, and commentary tracks to unlock localization and reach a broader audience.
  • Multi-language auto captioning: Go global with automated closed captions in seven languages (English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish) to engage diverse audiences. No manual transcription required.
  • New player customizations: Get even more control over the look and feel of your player with our expanded set of player customization controls. Add your brand logo, update your player colors, and toggle certain controls on or off, so you can give your viewers everything they need and nothing they don’t.

Creating and editing
Fast, simplified editing workflows for greater team collaboration—with drag-and-drop footage, text, and audio capabilities, as well as real-time previews and the potential to pair tools with Vimeo’s AI-powered creation suite. The features include:

  • Timeline-based editor: Vimeo’s new editor offers the same level of control and flexibility of a professional-grade video editor, but with the added benefit of never having to leave the Vimeo platform.
  • Add multiple media assets in a single frame: The new editor also has split-screen effects and allows you to include two (or more) videos or images on the screen at once.

Integrating at scale
More integrations to share videos anywhere and everywhere—allowing you to incorporate ad-free videos into any campaign and close the loop by tracking performance across every channel, from one centralized analytics dashboard, enabling integration with:

  • Social video platforms such as YouTube, LinkedIn, X, and MetaYouTube integration improvements, for example, enable you to publish directly, simulcast live events, and use ad creation templates designed specifically for YouTube.
  • CRM platforms such as Marketo, HubSpot, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, and others: Updated CRM integrations include added support for Salesforce Marketing Cloud and will soon update Vimeo’s Hubspot integration—to access your Vimeo videos directly from Hubspot and quickly add them to campaign assets.

Vimeo Marketing provides quality, control, and cross-team accessibility in one complete video offering to help marketers, content creators, and business owners engage their audiences, and increase conversions and brand loyalty.

Vimeo Marketing is available today on Vimeo’s enterprise and select online plans, with new capabilities becoming available by the end of the year. Find out more on the Vimeo marketing page: https://vimeo.com/campaigns/vimeo-marketing.

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