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Benefitfocus Earns Bronze Telly Award for Customer Video Excellence

Award honors company's video production and innovative media capabilities
Benefitfocus Earns Bronze Telly Award for Customer Video Excellence

Benefitfocus, Inc. (NASDAQ: BNFT), a leading cloud-based benefits management platform and services provider, today announced its Media & Animation team won a coveted Bronze Telly Award in the Non-Broadcast: Craft-Motion Graphics/Design category at the 40th Annual Telly Awards. The Telly Awards honor excellence in video and television across all screens and are judged by leaders from video platforms, television, streaming networks and production companies including Vice, Vimeo, Hearst Digital Media, BuzzFeed and A&E Networks.

Benefitfocus Media & Animation develops custom videos for employers, insurance carriers and partners on the Benefitfocus BenefitsPlace™ platform. BenefitsPlace is the largest benefits platform in the industry, with over 25 million consumers connecting to industry recognized brands. The platform simplifies employee benefits enrollment, engagement and management. As part of that simplified benefits selection approach, Benefitfocus embeds videos to educate consumers about their benefit offerings and help them make informed benefits choices. The Telly-winning video produced by the Benefitfocus team featured BenefitsPlace™ partner MedPut, a medical financing company, and was designed to educate benefits buyers about MedPut solutions that address out-of-pocket medical expenses.

“Benefitfocus is pushing the boundaries for video and television innovation and creativity at a time when the industry is rapidly changing,” said Sabrina Dridje, Managing Director of the Telly Awards. “This award is a tribute to the talent and vision of its creators and a celebration of the diversity of work being made today for all screens.”

“At Benefitfocus we strive to drive innovation and new solutions across the employee benefits ecosystem to transform and move the industry forward,” said Benefitfocus Senior Vice President of Marketing, Jeffrey Gross. “We introduced Benefitfocus Media & Animation with our inhouse studio and editing suite several years ago with this in mind, as we sought new, engaging and creative ways to educate consumers about their benefits. We’re honored to have our work recognized by The Telly Awards and thrilled with the recognition for our team.”

The winner’s announcement caps a year-long celebration of the 40th Anniversary of The Telly Awards. Throughout 2018-2019, The Telly Awards celebrated four decades of honoring the video and television industry, whether through its inaugural international screening series or its online video interviews with industry experts. This year also saw the continued expansion of new categories further to the awards’ recent initiative to rebuild the honors for the multi-screen era. New categories included serialized Branded Content and expanded Social Video categories.

Last year, The Telly Awards attracted more than 12,000 entries from top video content producers including Condé Nast, Netflix, Refinery29, RadicalMedia, T Brand Studio and Ogilvy & Mather.

The full list of the 40th Annual Telly Awards winners can be found at

About Benefitfocus
Benefitfocus (NASDAQ: BNFT) unifies the entire U.S. benefits industry on a single technology platform to protect consumers’ health, wealth, property and lifestyle. Our powerful cloud-based software, data-driven insights and thoughtfully-designed services, enable employers, insurance brokers and carriers to simplify the complexity of benefits administration and deliver a world-class benefits experience. Learn more at, LinkedIn and Twitter.

About The Telly Awards
The Telly Awards is the premier award honoring video and television across all screens. Established in 1979, The Telly Awards receives over 12,000 entries from all 50 states and 5 continents. Entrants are judged by The Telly Awards Judging Council—an industry body of over 200 leading experts including advertising agencies, production companies, and major television networks, reflective of the multiscreen industry The Telly Awards celebrates. Partners of The Telly Awards include IFP, NAB, StudioDaily, Stash Magazine, StudioDaily, Storyhunter, ProductionHub, The Wrap Pro, the VR/AR Association and Digiday.

Except for historical information, all of the statements, expectations, and assumptions contained in this press release are forward-looking statements. Actual results or performance might differ materially from those explicit or implicit in the forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include: the need to innovate and provide useful products and services; management of growth; our ability to compete effectively; our ability to maintain our culture and recruit and retain qualified personnel; the immature and volatile nature of the market for our products and services; risks related to changing healthcare and other applicable regulations; privacy; security and other risks associated with our business; and the other risk factors set forth from time to time in our SEC filings, copies of which are available free of charge within the Investor Relations section of the Benefitfocus website at or upon request from our investor relations department. Benefitfocus assumes no obligation and does not intend to update these forward-looking statements, except as required by law.

SOURCE Benefitfocus, Inc.

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