CMS & Web Experience Management

Bloomreach Announces The Analytics and Reporting Template Library


Bloomreach, the world’s #1 Commerce Experience Cloud, today announced a simpler, more efficient way to gather and analyze data within the Bloomreach platform. The Analytics and Reporting Template Library will streamline the process of creating reports and analyses by providing pre-defined templates based on popular use cases. Marketers of all skill and familiarity levels with the Bloomreach platform will be able to access the data they’re looking for effortlessly and custom the templates based on their specific goals and needs.

Building and creating reports from scratch can be difficult, especially if the data is more complex and advanced. With Bloomreach’s Analytics and Reporting Template Library, marketers can choose and customize from a variety of OOTB templates for understanding campaign conversions, email & SMS metrics, average order value, best sellers, traffic, and more. With this new feature, marketers will save time building analyses and searching for the specific data they need to optimize their marketing efforts and boost revenue.

“At Bloomreach we know how important data-driven decision making is, and we want to support and drive growth for marketers at every stage of the campaign process,” said Michal Novovesky, General Manager and Head of Product, Bloomreach Engagement. “With our analytics and reporting template library, we’re able to tailor reports for every company and brand, making it effortless for marketing teams to identify and analyze their wins and areas of improvement. As a strategic partner, we’re looking forward to seeing how our tools will inspire success, even when a project is finished.”

Bloomreach will continue to add new features and templates to their reporting and analytic tools. Learn more about how Bloomreach helps hundreds of leading brands and marketers drive personalized customer journeys

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