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eCommerce platform Lazada’s Festival Joined by over 350K Sellers

Biggest One-Day Sale event provides opportunities for businesses and brings non-stop happiness to Southeast Asia's consumers
ecommerce website

Lazada, the region’s leading eCommerce platform, kicks off this year’s 11.11 Shopping Festival with more than 350,000 brands and sellers across IndonesiaMalaysiathe PhilippinesSingaporeThailand and Vietnam joining its Biggest One-Day Sale. Thousands of new brands will also participate in Lazada’s highly anticipated shopping event for the first time this year.

Celebrating the eighth edition of its annual big show, Lazada is reinvigorating its 11.11 Shopping Festival with attractive promotions, exclusive deals, rewards, and exciting Shoppertainment content to bring non-stop happiness to 80 million consumers who have embraced eCommerce as part of their daily purchasing routine this year. The event will also play an important role in helping to revive many businesses following the disruptions caused by the pandemic.

“This has been a pivotal year for many businesses, and 11.11 will be a new experience for many who have embarked on the eCommerce journey. These year-end mega shopping festivals will be opportunities for brands and sellers to acquire new customers and boost their sales performance,” said Lazada Group’s Chief Executive Officer, Chun Li.

In the last six months, Lazada has seen a sharp increase in new brands including Isetan, Under Armour, Swatch and Castrol join LazMall to give their retail mix a digital overhaul, and more businesses from the F&B, hospitality, recreation and personal service sectors adopting an omnichannel approach.

Consumers can also look forward to a wider assortment this 11.11, with leading international brands including Lancome, Marks & Spencer, Miniso, Swatch, and TopShop participating in Lazada’s 11.11 for the first time this year. Over 70 brands including 3M, Adidas, Kiehl’s, Lego, Pampers, Philips, Polo Ralph Lauren and Xiaomi have also partnered with Lazada to create a visually fun brand showcase, featuring signature and loved products from their exclusive 11.11 catalogue this year.

Adding to this year’s 11.11 celebrations, consumers will also be able to enjoy a little stardust from Lazada’s first regional brand ambassador, popular Korean superstar Lee Min Ho. He has joined the Lazada family to spread happiness with his encouraging personality and put a smile on fans’ faces as they shop for their favourite brands and products.

Local brands take centerstage, powered by Lazada’s technology and logistics infrastructure

From Prism+ in Singapore, Signature Markets in Malaysia to Wardah in Indonesia, homegrown local brands take centerstage as Lazada promotes the development and sustainability of young brands, some who have only made the online switch this year, to take on their first 11.11 shopping festival with Lazada.

In support of over 150,000 local brands and sellers in our markets, Lazada extended stimulus packages offering cash funds to subsidise start-up costs, and helped small-and-medium enterprises (SMEs) optimize cash flow by partnering with financial institutions. Being able to leverage Lazada’s technology and logistics infrastructure boosted the operational capabilities of local businesses from agri-farmers in Malaysia and the Philippines, to artisanal craftsmen in Thailand and Vietnam, and helped them diversify their revenue source.

Lazada’s logistics network covers six countries across Southeast Asia and is ready to handle peak-time order volumes. This network, which includes over 15 warehouse facilities, over 400 sortation centres and hubs and is supported by 45 logistics partners, is ready for volumes from domestic and cross-border sales of over 30 times the norm this 11.11 season. In addition, Lazada is expecting its logistics fleet to see a 25% increase in mileage fulfilling orders this 11.11, compared to last year.

“Our data-driven technology and smart algorithms enhance the user experience by improving product relevancy and buyer-seller matching, helping our sellers achieve better results,” said Li. “Each 11.11 sets a new benchmark for our technology and logistics infrastructure to deliver the best service to our customers – this year will be no different as we prepare to serve even more buyers and sellers.”

Consumers enjoy vouchers, promotions and deals through new Shoppertainment features

Besides an improved browsing and product discovery experience, shoppers can anticipate benefits including over 200 million deals with maximised value and free shipping where available. With over 700 million vouchers offering discounts of 10% off or more, there will be at least eight vouchers available for each of Lazada’s active consumers.

“We are grateful for the support of our local businesses and international brands for choosing Lazada for this annual big show. The Lazada team believes we have a duty to help consumers find lighthearted joy and spread happiness with family and friends, especially right now,” said Jessica Liu, Co-President and Regional Head of Commercial, Lazada Group. “With that spirit, we will have the most attractive promotions and deals at the lowest prices, together with non-stop entertainment like LazGames and livestreams.”

Fans of LazGames can also play Happy Bounce, Lazada’s newest game, where shoppers can navigate a cute “Kitten” avatar through different levels by swiping left and right to collect Lazada coins and vouchers. Almost USD2 million worth of rewards from over 5,000 brands and sellers are up for redemption. Shoppers can also earn extra points to access more deals by inviting friends to join the game. Coins earned through LazGames can now be converted to vouchers to make purchases on the platform.

Lazada’s signature 11.11 Super Show – country-hosted concerts featuring local celebrities and performers – will also take the stage on the eve of 11 November. Consumers will also have the opportunity to win exclusive vouchers through various interactive segments, such as Balloon RainVoucher Rain and Shake It!, which will be localised in each market.

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