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Event Marketing Strategies That You Might Not Have Heard About Before

Ready to stand out from the crowd? Our latest guide offers innovative event marketing strategies that you may not have heard of before.
Event Marketing

These days, for a live event to be properly advertised, marketers need to get creative. This means coming up with unique ways to get as many people involved and interested in the event as possible before it takes place.

Although you may think it is enough to stick to tried-and-true event marketing strategies, an original approach can actually generate much more interest and boost attendance by diverse audiences.

If you’ve used every promotional strategy in your playbook and still find yourself falling short of expectations, here are some fresh approaches to event marketing that you may not have heard of before.


Go Live on Social Media

One of the most innovative event marketing techniques nowadays is using the live streaming features on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

With so many social media channels that offer these features, use a centralized app like OneStream Live that allows you to go live on dozens of platforms at once.

Along the same lines, you will find that the Stories functionality on networks such as Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook are also effective at increasing engagement and raising awareness about your event.

As for live video ideas, engage your audiences with insider tales during the days leading up to the event. Find a fun and appealing representative to liven up the live streams. People will feel more motivated to come to the event if you use this sort of intimate and friendly approach to promoting it.

Live streams are also a fantastic method to communicate with your audience in real time, while the event is taking place. By previewing the event through live video, viewers might decide spontaneously to show up, or they might simply share and increase your views and engagement on social media in an organic way.

Get Creative With Your Website


Depending on your marketing budget, you may consider launching an independent website to exclusively promote your event.

A dedicated website provides you with more space to explain every aspect of your event, publish blog posts on related topics, share photos from your corporate photoshoot that includes key event guests, and allow people to leave comments and suggestions. The website can also be used to gather registrations and keep track of attendance.

If creating a whole new website is a bit out of reach for your particular budget, consider creating a landing page on your standard website for the same purpose.

As a result, potential attendees will have the chance to explore the corresponding program and ask questions ahead of the event. The site or page is also an opportunity to get as creative as possible by designing a virtual space that is inspiring and will make people feel excited about the event.

Create an Instagram or Snapchat Filter

Social media users love a good virtual filter. The use of trending filters on platforms like TikTok, Snapchat, or Instagram can sometimes be the deciding factor for raising awareness about your event and even going viral.

In terms of event promotion, creating a fun filter can motivate potential attendees to post pictures and videos using the filter. Apart from that, regular social media users might stumble upon the filter and like it for what it is; then, by using it, they will generate organic traffic and spread the word about the event for you.

Keep in mind that nobody likes being a walking advertisement. Be careful to create a filter that accurately depicts your event without being overtly branded, and is also usable regardless of whether people will go to your event or not.


Connecting with artists in a meaningful way is a fantastic method of promoting your upcoming event. Artists that post thought-provoking art that resonates with audiences on social media can truly take your event promotions to the next level.

You can agree to organize an artist takeover of the event’s social media accounts, and have the artist sketch out the main topics of your event. For example, if it’s a charity event, they can draw people’s attention to the most pertinent areas you will cover during the program.

Alternatively, you can get an artist to decorate a wall at the venue and use it as a special spot where attendees can take pictures during the event.

In case you have foreign guests addressing the audience during a particular segment, visual material can help illustrate their points without the use of sophisticated language. To make it easier for attendees to follow along and take notes during event interpreting, the artist can draw the main points of a speech as the speech is happening.

The outcome is frequently stunning and may be used for all sorts of purposes in the future, such as blog graphics, social media postings, or even physical prints.


No matter what your event is about, you should always think outside the box in order to promote it in a way that stands out. After all, it may not have the desired impact if it gets lost in the noise of the digital environment. As you invest time and money arranging your live events, try using some of the above suggestions to market them creatively.

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Nina Petrov, Founder of Coffee Bean Digital

Nina Petrov is a content marketing specialist, passionate about graphic design, content marketing, and the new generation of green and social businesses. She starts the day scrolling her digest on new digital trends while sipping a cup of coffee with milk and sugar. Her white little bunny tends to reply to your emails when she is on vacation.

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