Audience/Marketing Data & Data Enhancement

FlexMR launches New AI-Coding Tool on InsightHub

Insights empowerment company FlexMR has launched a brand-new tool in their InsightHub research platform. TextMR uses generative AI to analyse qualitative text data to a high standard and allows for easy understanding of insights.

Following the release of the firm’s ActivateMR tool, FlexMR have launched an integrated qualitative data analysis tool, TextMR. This new tool is based on AI that can analyse a custom range of qualitative responses, codify and categorise them with themes while providing a summary for stakeholders and insight experts to use in their reporting. TextMR is the counterpart to NumbersMR, FlexMR’s quantitative analysis tool, and thus completes the suite from beginning to end. 

TextMR is the latest advancement on InsightHub, developed due to great demand from clients to automate the qualitative analysis stage of the research process. Through second-generation text analysis software built on the Large Language Models of generative AI, TextMR can work from a range of datasets, with the smallest being just fifty responses; this tool will analyse text data generated from InsightHub’s SurveyMR and Question BoardMR tools, as well as forums and communities, and display the insights in an interactive dashboard where users can easily explore the responses conveniently.

TextMR fully automates the creation of a code-frame for each analysis set. Each response is then coded and tagged by theme, with some responses tagged with multiple themes for accuracy and ease of searching. This is an advancement on simple keyword analysis and allows for easier on-sight, deeper analysis than just using keywords. The interactive dashboard interface creates graphs and tables visualising sentiments and common themes making it easier to explore and examine the raw data. The tool also provides a summary of bullet-pointed overview for quick insightful takeaways.

Regarding the new tool, Annette Smith, Product Owner at FlexMR says, “The development team have worked incredibly hard to bring this new AI-based tool to life. While we are always working to improve the InsightHub platform and innovate to remain at the forefront of the insights industry, generative AI has allowed us to add a step-change in the analysis of text data facilitating automation at scale. Text analysis is a notoriously time-consuming task, so to offer a way to automate this process for quicker high-quality qualitative insights at the speed of business is fantastic.”

FlexMR’s InsightHub platform has had several new tool additions in recent years; with NumbersMR, InsightHub’s integrated quantitative data analysis tool, and ActivateMR, InsightHub’s interactive reporting tool, TextMR completes the analysis section of the InsightHub tool suite. 

Commenting on the launch, FlexMR CEO Paul Hudson said, “We are so pleased to launch a brand-new tool in this new year. TextMR is the natural next step after NumbersMR and ActivateMR, and to offer such a high-calibre tool with innovative foundations is a great achievement. This has been a highly requested addition to the InsightHub platform by our clients and we are pleased to be able to deliver in this way.” 

TextMR delivers everything our clients have requested, however, FlexMR have plans to develop it further in the future to maximise the quality of insights generated and capabilities of future automated qualitative data analysis techniques on FlexMR’s InsightHub platform.

About FlexMR

FlexMR is the Insights Empowerment Company. The hybrid consumer insights agency and cloud platform provider develops thriving insight communities that streamline online research and enable customer-centric decision making. Since launching the InsightHub platform, FlexMR have connected UK marketing, research and product teams to 300,000+ customers across the globe. Today, the platform supports robust data collection, analysis and activation workflows to empower informed decisions at the speed of business.

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