Digital Advertising

Grocery TV announced the results of a new meta analysis

Grocery TV

Grocery TV, an in-store digital advertising network reaching 1 in 5 Americans, today announced the results of a meta analysis that showed, on average, consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands achieve a 14% incremental lift in sales by advertising on their network. The meta analysis included studies from the last 5 years for a range of CPG products sold in grocery stores where Grocery TV has digital advertising displays.

“We’ve been seeing positive incremental sales from endemic brands on our network for years now,” Marlow Nickell, CEO of Grocery TV said. “As we continue to grow our measurement offering and expand to different parts of the store, it’s important to look back and provide advertisers with a baseline.”

The meta analysis revisited 16 sales lift studies for CPG brands sold throughout the store including categories such as confection, gum & mint, snacks, and produce. Each sales lift study involved a regression analysis to determine the estimated sales lift from the ad playing in a set of test stores versus a set of control stores, while controlling for confounding variables such as price, seasonality, and store foot traffic. The top performing product achieved a 17.6% sales lift by running a campaign on Grocery TV’s advertising network in stores where the product is sold.

“In-store ads deliver reach, quality, and sales performance, with the latter effect representing the straightest line to increased brand investment in the channel,” said Andrew Lipsman, founder of Media, Ads + Commerce. “This meta-study confirms that in-store ads drive incremental sales while providing a much-needed benchmark for what CPG brands can expect in terms of campaign sales lift.”

Beyond sales lift, Grocery TV provides brands with the opportunity to measure performance across the funnel including brand lift, foot traffic attribution, web conversion, and mobile app downloads. As the network continues to expand its presence in new store areas, such as entrance, pharmacy, and service departments, brands gain an expanded platform to amplify their campaigns’ impact.

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