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Conversational AI

Interactions Launches Trustera

Amid unprecedented security challenges, Conversational AI-powered solution delivers security compliance, protects companies and customers and boosts brand trust

Interactions, the world leader in conversational artificial intelligence (AI), today launched Trustera, the first and only real-time, audio-sensitive redaction platform. Trustera preemptively identifies and protects sensitive information like credit card numbers and solves the biggest compliance challenge in today’s contact-center environment: protecting a customer’s Payment Card Information (PCI) anywhere it appears during a call. The platform is designed to make the customer experience more trustworthy, secure and seamless.

Contact centers are grappling with an unprecedented increase in fraud and data breaches involving customer information. The challenges have increased since the COVID-19 pandemic due to the rise of work-from-anywhere (WFA), including on-premise contact-center work, remote and hybrid work. In fact, insider threat incidents have risen 44% over the last two years, with cost per incident increasing to an estimated $15 million. The stakes are high: data breaches are only getting costlier and more frequent, with 83% of organizations experiencing more than one in their lifetime. Inadequate security postures can have devastating consequences for a company’s bottom line, both in fines and in eroded brand reputation and trust.

Despite the risks, many companies still rely on unsecure contact-center data-collection practices, such as having customers share their sensitive financial information by phone with no guarantee of privacy. Existing redaction solutions are inadequate. These include dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) suppression, agent-triggered redaction, on-premise call transferring and redirection of customers to a secure form. Not only are these strategies inefficient and cumbersome for the customer, but they also require manual actions to trigger the redaction—leaving transactions vulnerable to human error.

Trustera addresses these problems head-on. The platform is built on nearly 20 years of Interactions’ Intelligent Virtual Assistant (IVA) excellence, 125 patents, billions of conversations and years of success at Fortune 25 companies. Leveraging speech recognition and advanced machine learning, Trustera recognizes sensitive data within 200 milliseconds of it being spoken and immediately responds by redacting it. This capability is especially critical given that 44% of data breaches include payment card information (PCI) or personal identifiable information (PII).

“Every day, millions of customers give their personal information to the companies they do business with—yet, there are no real safeguards in place to protect that information. We built Trustera to fix this unacceptable status quo,” said Mike Iacobucci, CEO of Interactions. “Trustera is ushering in a new, much-needed standard for contact center security. It’s the only solution on the market that prevents fraud at the source for both companies and consumers, bolstering brand loyalty and customer trust in the process.”

Already, Trustera successfully redacts millions of credit card numbers annually and supports thousands of agents per week. With an average handle time (AHT) reduction of 60 seconds compared to alternative solutions, the platform increases overall customer satisfaction (CSAT) by ensuring conversations are efficient, streamlined and require no extra effort from both customers and agents. Full benefits include:

  • Conversational AI-powered redaction: Trustera automatically redacts a customer’s PCI in real time, replacing sensitive numbers with digital beeps. The data is then auto-collected in a protected database. A key differentiator is that agents do not have to remember to set the process in motion—it happens as soon as customers begin saying their PCI.
  • Seamless touchpoints: After customers finish communicating their PCI, Trustera confirms its successful collection so that the agent can continue the call. The solution also provides streamlined front-end support to other platform integrations that enable real-time agent assist, sentiment analysis and post-call analytics.
  • Customer ease: Trustera does all the work for the customer, so they don’t experience any interruption to their interaction. Callers aren’t required to input their personal financial information or switch to a separate platform in order to complete their transaction.
  • PCI compliance reporting: Trustera ensures that contact center agents can safely collect payment information, whether working from home or onsite.
  • Bilingual capabilities: Trustera works on calls in both English and Spanish, with more languages coming.

Trustera currently supports payment data, including credit cards, debit cards and electronic funds transfers, and will soon support Social Security Number and Date of Birth protection. The platform satisfies PCI-DSS and PA-DSS requirements by reporting PCI protection statistics across the Contact Center. To learn more, visit

Join a webinar on November 16, 2022 to learn more about Trustera:

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