Video Advertising

KERV Launches Lookbook Feature for Interactive Video Advertising

Patented technology increases shoppability & engagement for catalogs & more!
video advertising

KERV Interactive, a multi-award-winning, patented interactive content and data company, has launched a new lookbook product that enhances consumer engagement within any web-based product image. The new feature allows consumers to seamlessly engage with KERV’s established user experience at every unique object within any digital image, making it a perfect marketing experience for digital catalogs, product pages and more.

KERV’s Lookbook feature transforms product images and visuals into interactive and shoppable experiences – with multiple engagement points that increase multi-product conversions and performance. The interactive lookbook collects all the same great data that KERV’s video product tracks, but also merges that data with site or catalog data and provides even more unique targeting parameters via user actions.

Adding this level of interactivity to these catalogs allows product marketers to create a unified user experience across websites, banners, and OLV activations. Users are encouraged to hover over each distinguished object and learn more about products/services across diverse platforms – introducing a new and innovative, results-driven trend for multi-level marketing campaigns. Other interactive lookbook benefits include:

  • Ability to pull product-specific information into catalog images at the most precise pixel level, instead of having users connect via letters and numbers within small outlining text
  • Calling out social connections or model information based on imagery interactivity
  • Listing ingredients or other material information, thus calling out sustainability or other data to highlight unique product attributes
  • Retargeting users based on object or product-level interaction with the lookbook across other activations, inclusive of social retargeting

“Our new lookbook feature takes product images and gives them incredible granular interactivity and user interaction data,” notes Marika Roque, COO of KERV Interactive. “This is great for consumer engagement and shoppability, as product specific touch patterns can now be tracked and optimized across these different applications.”

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