Optimization, Personalization & Testing

Koddi announces Campaign Templates feature in Koddi Ads platform

Commerce Media Platform Koddi Ads Delivers Continued Excellence with New Campaign Templates Feature

Koddi, the commerce media partner for publishers and advertisers, today announced the new Campaign Templates feature within its Koddi Ads platform. This latest enhancement from Koddi simplifies the experience of launching a campaign for advertisers while also empowering publishers to influence how advertisers set up their campaigns.

The Campaign Templates feature is a flexible framework that enables any publisher to pre-define campaign setup options, and then make these presets available to all advertisers. Templates are fully customizable and can be configured by the publisher. Testing has shown that predefined campaign templates reduce the time advertisers spend creating and launching a campaign by up to 75%, while simultaneously simplifying and streamlining the advertiser experience.

Additionally, advertisers enjoy ease of use and faster speed to launch, expanding their ability to participate and maximizing their profit-making window within the marketplace.

Testing of Campaign Templates has shown improvements across commerce media networks using Koddi Ads:

  • 75% decrease in time to onboard a new advertiser, compared to baseline
  • 30% decrease in cost to support new advertisers, compared to baseline
  • 50% higher media performance, compared to baseline

“Campaign Templates demonstrate the latest iteration in Koddi’s commitment to providing the best commerce media platform for our clients. Our expectation of excellence is based on continuous innovation and improvement. This diligence positions Koddi Ads firmly as the leading commerce media solution operating within the industry today,” said Eric Brackmann, Head of Commerce Media at Koddi.

The new Campaign Templates feature is the third major enhancement to the Koddi Ads platform since the new year began. It follows proprietary upgrades to Koddi Ads’ Quality Scoring feature, and the introduction of the new Dynamic Pricing feature.

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