Local Blitz Offers San Diego SEO Expert Services

Local Blitz

Local Blitz, an Indianapolis SEO company, which also has offices in San Diego, CA, wants to inform everyone that they are ready to provide the services of an SEO expert in San Diego and surrounding areas. They point out that an individual who is considered to be an SEO expert should have at least 10,000 hours of experience with regards to SEO or a total of 4.8 years based on a work schedule of 40 hours per week with 52 weeks in a year. Having started in 2009, the SEO professionals at Local Blitz are certainly qualified to present themselves as SEO experts, not to mention the fact that they continue to update themselves regarding the latest developments and techniques in SEO.

Those who want to get free advice from an SEO expert, can simply fill out the online form on the Local Blitz website and they will personally assess the specified website and let the client know what what must be done to gain more traction with SEO this year. This is not the usual machine run analysis with no explanation. Instead, they will take a deeper dive and make sure that the site owner will really understand the findings.

Nick Bennett, co-founder of Local Blitz, says, “We will tell you a secret, that probably isn’t so secret. Most people that are claiming to be experts are not really experts. When hiring a San Diego SEO expert, you want to be sure it is someone who has the knowledge you need and experience you can trust. Many people in the industry either re-sell other peoples services or are just good salespeople themselves that like to toy around with other people’s time and money. For the sake of example, if using the 10,000-hour rule to become a San Diego SEO expert, would require 4.8 years of experience in the field. Not a lot of people have that.”

The SEO experts from Local Blitz will first conduct an extensive keyword research using certain professional tools. They will also analyze the competition. The SEO expert will perform a technical SEO audit that will include: checking for duplicate content on the site; looking for thin content on the site; determining whether the site is findable and indexable by Google; ensuring that structured data is added and verified to the proper entities and pages; checking that URL structures are well thought of and easy to follow by website users and the Google bot; checking for canonical tags, 404 pages and 301 redirects; ensuring the installation of a valid SSL certificate; ensuring that there is no mixed non-SSL and SSL content on the site; checking of website speed; building of internal links and checking for broken links on the site; creation of an XML sitemap and submitting to a Google search console; optimization of images, HTML, CSS, and more to ensure fast load speed; and checking for any mobile usability issues.

Established in 2009, Local Blitz is a digital marketing agency that offers great value to its clients by developing digital sales funnels for them, especially for those who need them the most, whether they are small or medium sized enterprises. They are always ready to function as an essential resource for companies that are not large enough to have their own Internet digital marketing services but are fully aware that it is vital. They have been getting a lot of feedback from satisfied clients in a broad range of niches, including e-commerce, automotive, real estate, and many more. Their SEO experts always make sure to continue to be updated on the latest SEO news and strategies.

Those who are interested in learning more about the Internet marketing services provided by Local Blitz can check out their website, or contact them on the phone or through email. They are open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, from Monday to Friday. For information on the most up-to-date developments regarding Local Blitz, people can visit their media room at

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