March is Women’s History Month and it is not only the time to reflect on women’s achievements, but the time to take a look at your own personal achievements career-wise with the focus on investing in yourself. The statistics regarding the ROI from coaching are astounding. The International Coaching Federation states that 86% of companies saw an ROI of 86% after coaching engagements, and 96% if those who went through executive coaching said they would do it again. According to MetrixGlobal, in one study, executive coaching had a 788% ROI thanks to increases in areas like productivity and employee satisfaction and according to iPEC, a reliable ROI for executive coaching has been reported as 500%-700. While many corporate employees at the executive level enjoy the company benefits of coaching, most female employees never get access to this corporate perk. During eleven years of coaching male and female executives at global organizations and growth stage startups, International Executive Coach, Kasia Gurgul, noticed that males were offered executive coaching through their companies, while females were paying their own way, even when they were already in executive roles.
To briefly summarize, Kasia Gurgul is concerned that women are being overlooked for leadership development coaching opportunities. The fact of the matter is executive coaching sharpens skills and improves career advancement and self-care habits, so Kasia Gurgul encourages women to negotiate or invest in executive coaching to create more equitable opportunities for their growth and advancement. Often the multitude of home and work demands leads women to experience health challenges or to leave leadership. This Women’s History month, Kasia Gurgul wants to encourage women to not only celebrate their achievements, but to engage in coaching to further maximize their growth and career opportunities.
There are 3 ways women can do this
1) If they are offered coaching by their workplace, seize the opportunity – don’t be ‘too busy and make time for coaching
2) If you are offered a professional development budget, say you’d like to use it for professional coaching
3) Invest in your own growth.
The bottom line is “don’t wait for someone else to see your value. Investing in yourself as the ROI on professional coaching is worth it” said Kasia Gurgul.And in the United States, coaching is a write off as a business expense, however Kasia Gurgul recommends speaking with your tax advisor to understand what you can claim with regards to your personal situation.
Mindquest Global Group is unquestionably an essential asset for any company or leader that wants to excel this year, whether they need help to create a stronger sphere of influence, or improve delegation to free up precious time, the important message to take away during Women’s History Month is that life and leadership are both better with the essential skills and habits needed in today’s modern business environment.
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Kasia Gurgul CEO of Mindquest Global Group
Kasia Gurgul, CEO of Mindquest Global Group is a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation and Organizational Coach with the Institute of Executive Coaching and Leadership. She works globally with busy, growth focused leaders who want to expand their influence. She has coached hundreds of executives, managers, and professionals at global automotive, medical, finance, and tech organizations, including the CEO of Samsung Semiconductor. For the last 6 years, Kasia Gurgul has also supported founders at AI, fintech and sustainability startups to grow their leaders and teams. Before launching Mindquest Global, Kasia Gurgul led digital transformation and change programs across Asia Pacific for global organizations, and worked in Australia, Europe, and North America. She is an author, professional speaker, and an influential executive coach as honored by the 15 Professional Coaches in Victoria in 2022 and 2023, despite her focus on global leadership.