Market Intelligence

NetBase Quid announces the next phase of platform & enhancements

NetBase Quid® continues to invest in market-leading analytics for users globally to assist with data-driven decision making

NetBase Quid®, a global leader in AI-powered consumer and market intelligence, announced the next phase of innovative platform upgrades and product enhancements including a unified look and feel, new dashboard experience, NetBase Presentation Mode, tripled international coverage, and unifying updates to the platform user interface.

“With more than 3 billion consumer and market insights analyzed by NetBase Quid every month, it’s critical for marketers to be empowered to understand and share the stories that matter most to them,” said Bob Goodson, Co-founder & President at NetBase Quid. “We’ve re-imagined key visuals through the updated dashboards for brands and their agency partners to allow them to better understand their consumers, their preferences and passions, ultimately leading the brands to make better data-driven decisions.”

Key product highlights this quarter include:

  • NetBase Presentation Mode: This update will deliver clear, intuitive visualizations for compelling presentations, executive storytelling, and faster decision making. The modern visualizations in the user interface will include timeline, word clouds, donut charts, text and source widgets, domain bar charts, story scope, and topic comparisons.
  • Dark Mode: Users can now seamlessly switch between light and dark modes, according to their preferences, to get a personalized and immersive experience to explore the dashboard.
  • Unification of NetBase and Quid UI: A consistent design has been adopted and launched to unify the user experience in NetBase and Quid to modernize and streamline the user experience. Users can now toggle between NetBase and Quid applications via the convenient App Switcher and under a single log in.
  • Expanded Content: Enhanced coverage for global forum data, including tripling the coverage in French, German, Japanese, and Spanish. Updated NLP support for international languages that include Arabic, German and Spanish.

In Q2, NetBase Quid released a multitude of platform enhancements including expanded TikTok Certified Topics, expanded forum content and global language coverage, among other key updates.

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