Commerce & Sales

Qunatzig talks about myths around multi-channel marketing

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Quantzig, a leader in delivering scalable analytics solutions and data science services, today announced the completion of its recent article that aims to dispel some common myths around multi-channel marketing attribution. In this article, Quantzig also sheds light on how marketing attribution works and empowers brands to develop and deploy their own programs to gauge ROI and performance.

Partnering with us to build a custom marketing attribution model for your organization can help you drive success in the long run. Request a FREE proposal to find out how we can help you get the ball rolling.

Key highlights-

• Multi-channel marketing attribution is not a new concept, and some early adopters in the business world have used different versions of this model

• B2B companies today have incorporated multi-touch marketing attribution into their marketing models to be in a better to analyze MROI and gauge channel effectiveness

• Businesses that have taken the necessary actions to develop and implement marketing attribution models have been successful in turning the benefits of attribution into a key differentiator

Though there are several pre-defined multi-channel marketing attribution models, customization helps marketers analyze the impact and business value generated through marketing interactions to make the best marketing investment decisions,” says a marketing analytics expert at Quantzig.

Quantzig is at the forefront of enabling business innovation to facilitate better outcomes and business reach. Contact us to learn more about our capabilities.

The growth in digital channels, combined with the rising popularity of digital advertising, has promoted businesses across domains to have an active online presence. Factors such as these, along with the importance placed on customer-centricity has resulted in high demand for more accurate methods of measuring marketing ROI and assigning revenue credit to individual channels. Due to the abundance of online platforms available, businesses today are inundated with massive datasets from various sources like social media, websites, and other digital platforms. This poses a major challenge when it comes to analyzing the potential of different touchpoints and assigning revenue credit. Notably, companies that are well-equipped and take the necessary actions to develop and implement an attribution model have been successful in turning the benefits of attribution into a key differentiator. Our cross-functional teams comprising of 550+ data scientists and data analytics experts possess the domain expertise required to build systems that help correlate customer actions to financial outcomes.

If you’re facing challenges in building a marketing attribution model for your business, Book a FREE Demo to learn more about our proprietary analytics platforms and data analytics capabilities can help you.

What are the Myths Around Multichannel Marketing Attribution Models?

  1. Multichannel marketing attribution only benefits B2C companies
  2. Multi-channel marketing attribution models are static
  3. A multi-channel marketing attribution model is a necessity

Read the complete article for detailed insights on the myths around multi-channel marketing attribution:

When it comes to selecting a marketing attribution model, there are no right or wrong models – you should choose the model that fits best with your business requirements, planning approaches, and company culture. At Quantzig, we help our clients select and implement the right multi-channel marketing attribution models and understand the customer value so that they can better analyze and optimize their marketing strategies. We also work with businesses to understand the network effect of the multiple digital channels and how creating a connected customer journey through the digital ecosystem can help build a better online presence.

Additional Resources:

1. Quantzig Says Business Leaders Should Focus on Big Data And Knowledge Management to Bounce Back From the Crisis: Here’s Why

2. 5 Steps To Supercharge Your Business By 10x Using Voice Of Customer Analysis

3. 5+ Reasons Why You Need a Data Warehouse to Manage Business Critical Data

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